weather service

[ˈwɛðɚ 'sɝvɪs][ˈweðə ˈsɜːvɪs]


  • The weather service office in Sullivan is then forecasting much colder temperatures through Jan.

    随后,位于sullivan的 气象 服务办公室预测到1月16日气温会更冷。

  • The latest forecast by the National Weather Service predicts blizzard conditions through the night .

    国家 天气 中心发布的最新天气预报说预计今晚有暴风雪。

  • The Philippine weather service quickly announced it will follow the new coinage to avoid public confusion .

    菲律宾 气象 很快声明,为了避免公众混淆,他们也将采用新名称。

  • Application of Data Mining Technology in Public Weather Service

    数据挖掘技术在公共 气象 服务中的应用

  • As shown in Listing 10 I can use the curl command to access the current local conditions of the National Weather Service for my location ( Buffalo NY ) .

    如清单10所示,我可以使用curl命令从美国国家 气象 了解我所在位置(纽约州布法罗市)的当前天气状况。

  • Imagine a simple Weather Service exposing a web method called WeatherQuery that returned the temperature and pressure wrapped in an object .

    假设有一个简单的 天气 服务,暴露出一个名为“WeatherQuery”的Web方法,这个方法返回一个对象,包含温度和气压值。

  • The Weather Service provides forecasts by date and ignores the time element of the dateTime encoding .

    Weather Service按日期提供预报,但它忽略了dateTime编码中的时间成分。

  • I see . You 've got your won little weather service .

    我明白了。你还有自己的小小 天气 预报

  • The National Weather Service has warned that more is on the way .

    国家 气象 警告说更多的雪还在路上。

  • Parts of Wisconsin already had a foot of snow and up to a foot was forecast Sunday in northeastern Minnesota the National Weather Service said .

    威斯康星州已经下了一英尺深的雪,国家 气象 预报说,明尼苏达州东北部预报也有一英尺深的积雪。

  • The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois .

    美国国家 气象 报道说在伊利诺伊州出现了几次龙卷风。

  • Unusually low temperatures were in store for much of the nation into Friday the National Weather Service said .

    国家 气象 说异乎寻常的低温会影响全国大部分地区并一直持续到周五。

  • The National Weather Service says more snow and freezing rain are on the way for Nebraska .

    国家 天气 服务台预报内布拉斯州将会降临大雪和冰雨。

  • Good evening . Here is the National Weather Service forecast for the Chicago area .

    晚上好。现在是国家 天气 服务对芝加哥地区的天气预报。

  • The park is also equipped with a meteorological observation station to provide good weather service .

    世博园内还设置了气象观测台,以提供 天气 服务

  • Application of RBAC Technique to Beijing Olympic Games Weather Service Information Issuing System

    RBAC技术在奥运 气象 服务信息发布系统中的应用

  • The weather service requires you to call the getTempRequest method by passing in a zipcode value as a string and receiving the temperature as a floating-point value in the response .

    传递一个zipcode字符串值给 天气信息 服务的getTempRequest方法调用,最后以接收到的浮点值温度作为响应。

  • We 've managed to contact the Weather service and display the results .

    我们成功地与 Weather 服务取得了联系,并显示了结果。

  • The tobacco of produce with weather condition analysis and weather service in Nanping

    南平市烤烟生产气象条件分析与 气象 服务

  • Now we 've instantiated our client we want to contact the Weather service and invoke its getForecast operation .

    现在已经实例化了客户机,还要联系 Weather 服务,并调用它的getForecast操作。

  • Systematic Information Resource Integration in Beijing 2008 Olympic Weather Service

    2008年北京奥运会 气象 服务中的信息资源整合

  • Nonetheless leading forecasters including the US National Weather Service expect the Midwest to see hotter and drier conditions than average over the next month .

    尽管如此,包括美国国家 气象 (USNational Weather Service)在内的主要天气预测机构都预计,未来一个月美国中西部的天气将较以往平均水平炎热和干燥。

  • We 've managed to invoke the Weather service without ever looking at its WSDL document .

    我们已经成功地调用了 Weather 服务,但是还没有看过它的WSDL文档。

  • Damage survey teams were to be sent into the areas Saturday after emergency crews completed their work so the weather service can determine the strength of the tornado and its exact path the weather service said .

    气象部门表示:在紧急情况处理小组完成了他们的人物之后,损失评估小组已经于周六被派往受灾地去,以便 气象 部门能确定龙卷风的强度和起精确移动路线。

  • Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service .

    你的关节比国家 气象 天气 预报还要准。

  • Then I created a weather service object .

    然后创建了一个 天气 服务对象。

  • Climate background analysis of convective weather was the foundation of nowcasting which was the necessary to Olympics weather service in2008 .

    对流性天气的气候背景分析是临近预报的基础,是做好北京2008年奥运 气象 服务必不可少的准备工作。

  • The reports are free and are helpful for many countries that cannot afford their own weather service .

    这些免费的预报为许多无法自行承担 天气 服务的国家提供了便利。

  • National Weather Service meteorologist Dan Peterson says there are only a couple of exceptions .

    国家 气象 气象学家丹?皮特森说只有几个例外。