



  • We also study the robust wiretap transmission problem for the case with a quality of service constraint at the legitimate receiver .

    我们还研究了 目的接收者满足服务质量约束的鲁棒传输 窃听 信道问题。

  • For the one-way relay wiretap channel the secrecy performance of relay network with different forward protocol cooperative protocol and power allocation strategy is investigated .

    针对单向中继 窃听信道 场景,研究了不同中继转发协议方式、中继协作方式及功率分配策略下的安全性能。

  • In this paper we study the security performance of multi-antenna wireless channel from information theoretic viewpoint . The main contributions of the thesis are summarized as follows . Firstly the achievable secrecy rate of the multiple input single output ( MISO ) wiretap channel is studied .

    本文主要从信息理论的角度研究了多天线无线信道的安全问题。本文的主要工作总结如下:首先,本文对MISO 窃听信道的安全速率进行了研究。

  • Moreover military communication cables may be distinct targets of wiretap and attacks from the enemy states .

    另外军用通信光缆 还有可能成为敌国 窃听和攻击的目标。

  • To verify and characterize the secrecy capability of multiplicative noise we propose a random beamforming security scheme in MISO wiretap channel .

    为验证并定量刻画乘性噪声保障安全传输的能力,针对MISO 窃听信道提出一种随机波束赋形安全机制。

  • The coach said his club had wiretapped the hotel room of a player during a road trip .

    教练说他的俱乐部曾经 窃听了一名开车旅行的运动员所住宾馆房间的 电话

  • But with reports of the FBI opening an investigation into possible wiretap violations it is now the school district who has to worry about scrutiny .

    然而,随着联邦调查局介入,以调查可能的 无线 设备 滥用行为,现在 轮到这所学校接受人们的全面监督了。

  • Realization and Prevention of Network Wiretap in LAN

    局域网下网络 窃听的实现与防范

  • The most straightforward way to do this would be to force technology companies to build back doors into their services making it possible to wiretap an online exchange as if it was a conversation via telephone .

    要达到此目的,最直接的方式就是强令技术公司在其服务中开设“后门”,使“ 监听”在线信息交流成为可能,就像窃听电话交谈那样。

  • The wiretap the electronic eavesdroppers would have public approval .

    那时电话 窃听,电子窃听将会为社会所认可。

  • But amid all the talk that Inter may have been behind a plot to wiretap De Santis and later blackmail him let 's not lose sight of the excitement currently being generated by Juventus in Serie B.

    然而在谈论国际米兰可能是 监听德塞蒂斯 电话并对其进行敲诈勒索的幕后主使的同时,我们不该忽视身处乙级的 尤文正因此而兴奋。

  • A telephone company cut off an FBI international wiretap after the agency failed to pay its bill on time according to a US government audit released on Thursday .

    据上周四公布的一份美国政府审计报告,美国联邦调查局由于未及时缴纳电话费,其国际 窃听 线路 电信公司切断。

  • The encryption application can prevent important or private information from interception or wiretap on the Internet .

    加密在网络上的作用就是防止有用或私有化信息在网络上 拦截和 窃取

  • It cited the case in which a wiretap under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act which governs electronic spying in terrorism and intelligence cases was disrupted due to an overdue bill .

    《外国情报 监听法》是一项有关在反恐和 窃取外国情报过程中实施电子监听的法案。

  • As a result the application of wiretap has to weight the benefits and values follow a comparison principle and carry on law rules and regulations .

    因而, 监听 措施 适用必须进行利益衡量与价值选择。遵循比例原则。进行法律规制。

  • But using wiretap is at price of infringing the citizens basic right .

    监听 措施是以侵犯公民基本权利为代价。

  • Finally the achievability of the capacity region in the degraded Poisson wiretap channel is proved and this paper also proposes another kind of representation of degradation conditions in Poisson wiretap channel .

    最后,对退化的泊松 窃听信道的信道容量的可达性进行了证明,并提出了泊松窃听信道退化条件的另一种表示方法。