wire broadcasting

[waɪr ˈbrɔdˌkæstɪŋ][ˈwaiə ˈbrɔ:dˌkɑ:stɪŋ]


  • Later we bought a small loudspeaker at home during the popularization of the wire broadcasting .

    后来,普及 有线 广播,家里也买了个小喇叭。

  • Then wire the property on the aggregation component corresponding to the broadcasting component to the action on the display component .

    然后将对应于 传播组件的聚合组件上的属性 连接到显示组件的行为上。

  • It consists of three parts : ( 1 ) The wire network technology for digital TV communication and broadcasting ;

    一是数字电视的通信与 广播 有线网;

  • The Wire Transmission Technology of Digital Video Broadcasting

    数字 电视 有线传送技术

  • Real-time control of programs on demand is achieved finally in Shaoxing VOD system and the bandwidth is used reasonably during data transferring process . End users get the on-demand streaming stably via DVB wire broadcasting network finally .

    绍兴广电视频点播系统最终实现了对节目点播的实时控制,并在数据传输过程中合理利用带宽,将点播数据流通过DVB 有线 广播网稳定传输到最终用户。

  • Common Cable and Common Network Transmission Technique of Cable Television and Wire Broadcasting

    有线电视与 有线 广播共缆和共网传输技术

  • Stochastic Control of Multi-arm Multi-signal and Multipass Wire Broadcasting

    多路多信多通道 广播的随机控制

  • As a technique which has high bandwidth efficiency and can reduce multipath interference OFDM is attracting increasing attention in the field of wireless and wire communications especially in the field of broadcasting .

    作为一项高频带利用率和抗多径技术,正交频分复用(OFDM)在无线和 有线通信领域的研究和应用正日益受到重视,尤其是在 广播 电视领域。