wire in

[waɪr ɪn][ˈwaiə in]


  • This way can make the disorderly electrical wire in perfect order .

    让原本零乱的 电线变得 井井有条

  • Forgetting his key he was able to open the door by inserting a wire in the key hole .

    他没带钥匙,用 铁丝拨动了两下,门居然开了。

  • We might put the current-carrying wire in a magnetic field .

    我们可将载流 导线 置于磁场

  • Only if the wire in my hand will it never leave me .

    只有 我的手 线将它从来没有离开我。

  • There was an overhead wire in the village .

    山谷 有一条高架 电线

  • Introduces the applications of regenerative combustion technology in designing the walking-beam reheating furnace for Yuzun high wire in Qinggang .

    介绍了蓄热式燃烧技术 青钢钰尊 高线步进梁式加热炉设计中的应用情况。

  • The new design of the welding torch clamp make the welding torch reposition expediently thus ensure the welding wire in the centering position during welding process .

    新设计的焊枪夹具可使焊工在焊接过程中方便地对焊枪进行多方位的调节,保证了在焊接过程 焊丝良好;

  • Because the use of6-axis CNC system framework allows us to take the wire in the dedicated control system to do complex processing remains a high-speed all-speed not jitter .

    因为采用6轴数控系统的框架,使得我们的中走 专用控制系统在做复杂加工时依然保持高速、均速、决不抖动。

  • But I don 't think even he could wire in an off switch for grief .

    但我认为即使他也不会给你安装防止 悲伤的的开关。

  • Study on metal-cored wire in pipeline automatic welding process

    金属粉芯药芯 焊丝管道全自动焊接工艺研究

  • Added broken wire in SAW is of some importance for improving the level of welding automation in our country .

    埋弧焊中填加碎 焊丝对提高我国焊接自动化水平有一定的重要意义。

  • The fire was due to a faulty wire in a plug .

    插座 的坏 电线引起了火灾。

  • Status Quo and Prospect of Application of Flux-cored Wire in Ship Welding in China

    药芯 焊丝在我国船舶建造 的应用现状与前景

  • Lead the wire in from the roof through these holes in the back of the television set .

    线 房顶引下来,通过电视机背壳上的洞穿进去。

  • She can walk even on a light wire in the air .

    她甚至能 空中的 钢丝上走。

  • Mediation can occur on the client side the service side or on the wire in between .

    中介可以出现在客户端、服务端或两者之间的 连接上。

  • Stitch : To sew staple or otherwise fasten pages together by a thread or wire in binding .

    订书:用线或 金属 缝,钉,或其他方法,把书页系牢一起 装订。

  • Wire test is a key part in process of installing wire in electric box .

    线缆测试是电气柜 线缆安装过程中十分重要的环节。

  • Undo combination wire in the area of the rear wheel housing .

    旋开后轮罩区域 的组合 电线

  • A fine wire in contact with a galena crystal acts as a rectifier .

    像整流器一样连接方沿矿晶体和细 金属

  • Usage : peel wire insert the wire in then tighten .

    使用方法:将电缆尾部外皮剥去,将所要接的 电线同时插入扭紧即可。

  • Based on the analysis above the conclusion of proper connection wire in electro-optical Q-switching are got .

    根据以上分析,得出了电光调Q 引线的选择原则。

  • The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary .

    变( 器)折算 一次 线圈的二次阻抗次级线圈的圈数和初线线圈圈数一样。

  • On the Broken Circuit of the Negative Wire in Three-phase Power Supplying System ;

    关于三相供电系统 线断路的探讨断线( 线断)

  • The intrinsic self regulation effect of aluminum alloy wire in the region of short arc in MIG welding is investigated with self made equipment .

    采用自制装置研究了短弧区铝合金熔化极氩弧焊时的自身调节作用,测定了熔滴热焓、温度和 焊丝熔化特性。

  • The wire in question passed all normal production tests .

    测试 电线通过所有常规测试。

  • Any system capable of a free vibration without external force is a counter example e.g. a wire in the piano .

    任何一个无外力而能自由振动的系统就是一个反例,譬如钢琴 的一条 钢丝

  • Record the length tension and linear density of the wire in the Data section .

    数据区记录下 金属 的长度、张力和线密度。

  • Through a lot of experiments and analysis it was pointed out that the twist number of steel wire in torsion test decreased gradually with increasing axial tension load .

    本文通过大量的试验和分析,得出 钢丝扭转试验时,随着轴向拉力负荷的增加,其扭转次数趋于递减的变化过程。