
[ˈwɪndo ˈʃɑpɪŋ][ˈwindəu ˈʃɔpɪŋ]


v.看商店橱窗,观望,物色( window-shop的现在分词 )

  • I can 't believe it-she 's window-shopping for a new football club for me .

    我简直难以相信――她在向我 兜售一个新的俱乐部。

  • Like most of girls I like window-shopping shopping and I 'm fond of beautiful clothes .

    象大多数的女孩那样,喜欢 逛街,购物,对漂亮的衣服 免疫力

  • It takes a while for a British visitor window-shopping in any German town to realise that something is missing .

    英国人在德国城市逛街, 时间久了便会有一种 若有所失 感觉

  • There 's nothing she likes better than doing window-shopping .

    她最喜欢的 广 商店了。

  • Window-shopping is many girls'favorite pastime .


  • I like to go window-shopping in my free time .

    我闲时喜欢 逛街

  • She likes to go window-shopping during her leisure time .

    她空闲的时候喜欢 商店

  • Do you wanna join me for window-shopping ?


  • Girl students often do window-shopping .

    女学生们经常上街 商店

  • Window-shopping is some girls the first-selected way to kill time .


  • Mary always prefers staying at home to going window-shopping .

    玛莉总是喜欢待在家里,而不愿 出去 逛街

  • Exit the park on the east side and walk to Madison Avenue for prime window-shopping .

    离开公园的东边,走到麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue 看看 沿途 商店 橱窗

  • Most girls like window-shopping .

    大部分女孩子都喜欢 商店

  • Window-shopping : Taking the bus buying shoes and giving your opinion .

    学习 乘车、鞋以及表达意见中要 使用 英语 表达

  • We went to window-shopping at afternoon .

    我们下午去 浏览 商店 橱窗

  • Chinese people don 't go window-shopping in Ginza .

    中国人到 银座闲逛的。

  • If you happen to go window-shopping in time to see a thief committing a crime would you catch him red-handed or turn a blind eye to it ?

    如果你碰巧逛 商店从而看见一小偷在作案,你是当场抓住他,还是睁只眼闭只眼?