


  • Remove reservoir for windscreen washer system .

    拆下 挡风 玻璃清洗系统的储 罐。

  • She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning .

    一天清晨,她发现自己汽车的 挡风 玻璃雨刷下插着一支玫瑰。

  • Do you want your windscreen cleaned too ? When the tailgate was lowered Frankie jumped down .

    不要把 挡风 玻璃也清洗一下?后挡板打开后,弗兰基跳了下来。

  • The windscreen cracked but didnot splinter .

    挡风 玻璃裂了,但没碎。

  • Perhaps you can see to the windscreen wiper-they got stick .

    也许你能检修一下 挡风 玻璃的刮水器&它们乔不动了。

  • Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun . The windscreen has fogged .

    戴上太阳帽以遮挡阳光。 挡风 玻璃让雾气遮住了。

  • He landed in the back seat of a car after crashing through the windscreen .

    他掉在了一辆车上,砸碎了 风挡,落在后座 区域

  • The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen .

    子弹从汽车引擎盖和 挡风 玻璃 弹飞了。

  • The windscreen has fogged .

    挡风 玻璃让雾气给遮住了。

  • The windscreen was covered with frost .

    挡风 玻璃上结了霜。

  • She tore the windscreen wipers from his car

    她猛地扯掉他车 雨刷

  • A good place is your study table or at the right hand corner of the windscreen of your car .

    一个好的地方是你的学习表或在你的车前 挡风 玻璃右侧的角落。

  • The speed of the windscreen wipers is variable .

    汽车 挡风 玻璃 雨刷的速度是可变的。

  • In a car the combiner is usually simply the windscreen .

    在汽车上,组合器通常仅仅是 挡风 玻璃

  • Two persons are needed to insert and adjust the windscreen .

    插入和调整 风挡时需要两个工作人员。

  • The risk of a backseat passenger being catapulted into the windscreen .

    后座乘客可能被弹到 挡风 玻璃 的危险。

  • When it rained drivers did not need to open windscreen wiper so that drivers could concentrate on driving .

    当下雨时,驾驶者无需 动手打开 刮器,使驾驶者可以集中精力开车。

  • The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth

    挡风 玻璃 的雨刮“啪嗒啪嗒”地来回摆动。

  • Press the rain sensor onto the windscreen .

    将雨量传感器压至 风挡

  • At 420mph the windscreen disintegrated .

    挡风 玻璃在时速420英里时破碎。

  • For details see removing and installing hose for windscreen washer system-section on installing .

    有关详细信息,请参见拆卸和安装 风挡清洗器系统的软管-“安装”部分。

  • The sun hit the windscreen momentarily blinding him .

    太阳照在 挡风 玻璃 ,晃得他一时看不见东西。

  • The car windscreen frosted over during the night .

    汽车的 挡风 玻璃 结了一层汽车的 挡风 玻璃在夜间结了霜。

  • Secure the pliers tools and materials with the projecting plastic parts to the windscreen on the mirror base .

    将夹钳的塑料零件 风挡方向顶以将夹钳工具和材料固定到视镜座上。

  • Any crack in a car windscreen always seems to be right in the driver 's line of vision .

    汽车 挡风 玻璃 的任何一条裂缝看起来总是正对着司机的视线。

  • Frost on the windscreen obstructed the driver 's view .

    挡风 玻璃 的霜挡住了司机的视线。

  • I feel like chucking the bottle through the windscreen .

    我真想把瓶子扔穿 挡风 玻璃

  • Slide the speed nut from the right in direction of travel onto the tab on the windscreen frame .

    沿行驶方向将快速螺母从右侧滑到 风挡框架的调整片上。

  • The car windscreen fogged up .

    车子的 挡风 覆上了雾气。

  • In the crash the driver ( was ) catapulted through the windscreen .

    在事故中司机从 挡风 玻璃中(被)弹了出来。