wipe off the map

[waɪp ɔf ði mæp][waip ɔf ðə mæp]


  • For Israelis whose country Mr Ahmadinejad says he wants to wipe off the map it is not all that reassuring to hear that Iran can probably be deterred .

    艾哈迈迪内贾德认为以色列应该 世界 地图抹去,所以对于以色列国民来说, 仅仅听到伊朗的(核计划)“很可能”会被中止显然是不能全然安心的。

  • A nuclear attack could wipe us off the map .

    一次核武器攻击就可能 使我们 地球完全 消失

  • Wipe North America off the map of the world and you will have anarchy ? the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization .

    北美 世界 地图抹去后,你会得到混乱&现代商业和文明的彻底崩溃。

  • With Iran 's president threatening to wipe the Jewish state off the map Israeli officials have warned time and again that they will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons .

    伊朗总统威胁要 以色列这个犹太国家 地图上“ 清除”,以色列官员多次警告他们决不允许伊朗取得核武器。

  • But Israeli spokesman Zalman Shoval says with Iran 's president still threatening to wipe the Jewish state off the map Israel is making no promises .

    美国国防部长 盖茨星期一将 会见以色列人,伊朗是最的议题。他预计会敦促以色列不要它所威胁的,袭击伊朗核设施的行动。

  • The enemy was determined to wipe the town off the map as if it had never been .

    敌人决心 彻底 摧毁这个 城镇,就像它从未存在