


  • A willowy brook that turns a mill .

    杨柳 环绕的小溪转动着磨房。

  • Some guys go for tall willowy girls .

    有些男人喜欢又高又 的女人。

  • On the sea bed at depths of up to3 are vast coral reefs forests of willowy feather-stars and russet-red sea urchins .

    在深达近千米的海底,生长着大片绮丽的珊瑚礁、 婀娜多姿的海星和黄褐色的海胆。

  • Each of these gloves was sewn in a converted cowshed on a farm in East Sussex under the direction of the willowy Genevieve James .

    这些手套都是缝制于东萨西克斯一个农场里经改造过的牛棚, 领头 身形窈窕的 吉纳维芙·詹姆斯(GenevieveJames)。

  • The willowy redhead also recorded the Frank Sinatra song'Somethin'Stupid'with British singer Robbie Williams and some celebrity magazines even speculated that the pair were dating .


  • Clothes always look good on her because she 's so tall and willowy .

    衣服穿在她身上总是很好看,因为她是如此地高挑 苗条

  • Even today the willowy 55-year-old is said to refuse hotels without swimming pools when travelling .

    即便是现在, 已经55岁 身材 仍然 纤瘦的拉加德,在出差时据说还是会拒绝入住不带游泳池的酒店。

  • When people had wished to distinguish her from the other two Miss archers they had always called her the willowy one .

    人们为了把她和另外两个阿切尔小姐区别开来,常常称她“ 瘦长的那个”。

  • I only wear granny panties Julia Baylis a willowy 22-year-old declared proudly .

    我只穿祖母式内裤,22岁,身材 苗条 茱莉亚·贝里斯(JuliaBaylis)骄傲地宣布。

  • Rhoda 's willowy figure modish straw hat and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised Janice .

    罗达的 苗条身材,时髦的草帽,紫红色的手套和鞋使杰妮丝有些惊讶。