windage loss

[ˈwɪndɪdʒ lɔs][ˈwindidʒ lɔs]


  • Statistical Analysis of the Weather System Types Causing Strong Winds and Fishery Boat Windage Loss Accidents in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea in Winter

    冬季黄渤海大风天气与渔船 统计分析

  • For solid rotor of radial magnetic bearing besides the windage loss the iron losses will be significant when the speed is high and the eddy current loss will be dominant at high speed .

    电磁轴承支承的实心转子在高速旋转时,除由于 空气 摩擦 产生 损耗 ,转子内还将产生相当大的铁损耗,而且主要是涡流损耗。

  • The magnetic levitated rotor eliminates mechanical friction when it rotates with high speed but due to eddy loss hysteresis loss and windage loss of magnetic levitated rotor there is still a equivalent friction force which is similar with the mechanical friction force .

    对于高速旋转的磁悬浮转子或直线运动的磁悬浮动子来说,虽然其消除了机械摩擦,但是由于涡流损耗、磁滞损耗和 的作用,仍然存在着一种类似机械摩擦的等效阻力。

  • This paper determines standard uncertainty for measurement of windage and friction loss of three-phase induction motor through fitting line of least square method .

    本文用最小二乘法拟合的直线确定三相异步电动机 测量的标准不确定度。

  • Analysis of Standard Uncertainty for Measurement of Windage and Friction Loss of Three-Phase Induction Motor

    异步电动机 测量的标准不确定度分析