will duplicate

[wɪl ˈdjupləkɪt][wil ˈdju:plikit]

[法] 遗嘱副本,遗嘱复本

  • This option will give you duplicate data if you retrieve the profile data later .

    如果稍后检索配置文件数据,此选项 提供 副本数据。

  • Therefore the subnetting rules for boot service and persistent labels are such that there will never be a duplicate subnet route created by the placement of these addresses .

    因此,这些地址的安排 不会产生 重复的子网路由,这是由引导、服务和持久化标签的子网规则决定的。

  • Second if the system clock is adjusted backwards GENERATE_UNIQUE () will return duplicate values .

    第二,一旦系统时钟需要向后调整,那么GENERATEUNIQUE() 可能返回 重复的值。

  • Then all words are placed in a mathematical set and the set operations will automatically eliminate duplicate words .

    然后,将所有单词放入到一个数学集合中,集合操作 自动消除 重复的单词。

  • Enclosed you will find s / c no. sh 1100 In duplicate a copy of which be to be sign and returned to us for our record .

    随函附上我方售货确认书第SH1100号 一式 ,其中一份经你 签字后寄回存档。

  • If the input data operation in batches it will produce many duplicate intermediate results . In order to forming the final results it has to read intermediate results from the hard drive and to do a lot of consolidation work in memory .

    若把数据分批输入进行运算,则 产生许多 重复的中间结果,要形成最终结果需从磁盘中把这些中间结果读入内存再进行大量的合并工作。

  • It is because some search engines will see them as duplicate content and decrease your page rank .

    这是因为一些搜索引擎 看到他们视为 重复的内容,降低您的网页排名。

  • You should place it in your root directory and include instructions that will help you to avoid duplicate content and will optimize the crawling of your website .

    你应该把它放在根目录下,里面包含 帮你避免 重复内容和优化你的网站的指导。

  • Therefore if the one-sided pursuit of its technology which will result in duplicate construction .

    因此,如果片面的追求技术的先进性, 就会造成 重复建设。

  • Linux will find duplicate labels because you have multiple paths for each file system which will prevent your file systems from automatically mounting .

    Linux 发现 重复的标签,因为您的每个文件系统都有多条路径,这将导致无法自动挂载文件系统。

  • The test will duplicate a manual regression suite that requires several senior testers to run ; it will require only one junior tester .

    测试 复制一个需要几个高级测试员来运行的人工回归套件;它将只需要一个初级测试员来运行。

  • A.A sequence will never generate duplicate values .

    序列不是 不能生成 同样的数值吗?

  • Each time you click on the plus sign it will duplicate whatever color you currently have selected .

    每次您按一下加号, 重复什么颜色您目前选定的。

  • You really love men you will silently remember inadvertently said at a certain moment when they duplicate .

    真正爱你的男人, 默默地记住你不经意说过的话,在某时某刻 重复它们。

  • Enclosed you will find our Sales Contract No.354 in duplicate of which please countersign and return one copy to us for file .

    看附件里面我方的354号销售合同 一式,请复签完后并给我放返回一份存档。

  • If material is shared by colliders it will duplicate the material and assign it to the collider .

    如果材质被碰撞器共享,它 复制材质并指定给碰撞器。

  • But how long will it take to build one which is complex enough to duplicate the human brain ?

    然而,多久 能够生产出足够复杂以至于可以 复制人脑的电脑呢?

  • To simply convert the education subsidy into the education vouchers can not improve the unfair situation in distribution of the education resources which will on the contrary only duplicate the original inequality .

    教育经费简单地转换为教育券的做法,并不能改善教育资源配置中的不公平,只 复制原有的不平等。

  • If it finds it it will install an exact duplicate of the original installation thereby ensuring consistency across your installs .

    如果找到该文件,则 安装一个与原始安装完全 相同 副本,以确保所有安装的一致性。

  • For example if you use a capture / playback tool to add a record a reply of the script will get a duplicate record on file error .

    例如,如果你使用回归测试工具来添加一个记录,脚本文件 得到 重复的记录这样的错误。

  • The province will duplicate a terracotta soldier sculpture holding hands with Haibao the Expo mascot .

    陕西 还会制造一个兵马俑战士与世博吉祥物 海宝握手的雕像。

  • His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home

    他在海外取得了成功,现在的任务就是 在国内 再创辉煌。

  • Note : There will be duplicate info on columns CUST_NUM and CUST_NAME which will be passed to the customer table and will cause primary key collision .

    注:在CUSTNUM和CUSTNAME列上有 重复信息,它们 被传递到客户表,导致主键冲突。

  • The aliens take him to their zoo where he will be held captive in an exact duplicate of his apartment .

    外星人把他扔在了一个动物园里,他住在一个和自己的公寓完全 一样的房间里。

  • The Google spider will choke on a meta refresh redirect and a302 redirect can cause duplicate content penalties .

    Google爬行器 由于元刷新重定向而阻塞,而302重定向会导致 重复内容处罚。

  • Event tables contain all events that have not been removed from the application and will cause your application to generate duplicate notifications .

    事件表包含所有尚未从应用程序中删除的事件, 使应用程序生成 重复的通知。

  • It will search duplicate files by file content rather than by file name or file size .

    搜索 重复的文件可以通过文件的内容而不是由文件名或文件大小。

  • Traditional parallelized compiler techniques use node splitting to make irreducible loops reducible but will make code duplicate inevitably .

    传统的并行编译器在处理非可规约循环时一般使用结点分割法,但 由此带来的代码 复制是不可避免的。

  • If the number is already there you will have a duplicate logo appears .

    若是已有号码,则 有“ 重复”标志出现。