white pages


  • Industry groups and service brokers could publish comprehensive white pages and yellow pages of on-line XML services allowing developers to make quick technological assessments and comparisons .

    产业团体和服务经纪公司都可以发布全面的联机XML服务 白皮书和黄皮书,允许开发人员迅速做出技术评估和比较。

  • Knowing nothing of Byron 's action at the White House Natalie had written to thank Slote in effervescent pages .

    娜塔丽对拜伦在 白宫干的事一无所知,所以她写了一封热情洋溢的信来感谢 斯鲁特

  • One book ( usually with white pages ) is called the Alphabetical Listing . It lists the names addresses and telephone numbers of people in the area .

    一种叫‘字母顺序名单’电话簿(通常用 白纸 印刷),列出当地电话用户的姓名。

  • The white pages list people with phones by last name .

    白页 刊登 用户个人的电话号码,是按姓氏排列的。

  • Use white spaces to balance the other colors from your site . It will make web pages easy on the eyes .

    使用 空白来平衡网站中的其它颜色。它会增强网站 页面的视觉效果。

  • Yellow and White Pages Why in the world would you need a 10-pound book just to find someone ?

    你们究竟是为什么需要去 一本10磅重的书才能找到某个人呢?

  • This system designs black list and white list so it can detect malicious Web pages quickly .

    该系统中设计了黑名单和 名单数据库,能快速检测已知特征挂马 网页

  • The country 's most heavily trafficked Web portals such as Sohu and Sina are conveying their respect with black and white home pages devoid of their usually colorful and animated photos and articles .

    中国最繁忙的网络端口,比如搜狐和新浪也通过它们 黑白 主页来表示它们的尊重,完全看不到平时那些色彩鲜艳的动画图片和文章。

  • In UDDI terms this SOA role is often referred to as the White Pages .

    在UDDI术语中,这个SOA角色经常被称为 白页

  • However keyword optimization is a valid white hat SEO practice because determining and focusing on what your pages are about improves the user experience .

    然而,关键词优化却是十分有效的 白帽SEO技术,因为判断和关注 页面所表达的内容 主题会改进用户体验。

  • White pages : Information such as the name address telephone number and other contact information of a given business .


  • White wood 100 pages window orange curtain white ceramic tile orange decorates a wall concise echo .

    白色木百 窗,橙色窗帘,白色瓷砖,橙色装饰墙,简洁呼应。

  • Canada people search-search Canadian white pages for access to phone and address information .

    加拿大民众搜索搜索 白页,前往加拿大的电话和地址信息。

  • Under page display options select the show white space between pages in print layout view check box .

    在“页面显示选项”下,选中“在页面视图中显示 页面空白”复选框。

  • Phone books have white blue and yellow pages .

    电话电话簿有 白页、蓝 黄页