white transmission

[hwaɪt trænsˈmɪʃən][hwait trænzˈmiʃən]


  • Mast cells in the intestinal mucosa ( MMC ) in the connective tissue of the intestinal submucosa ( CTMC ) and in the thymus medulla ( TMMC ) from four 1-month-old Large White pigs were observed under transmission electron microscopy .

    对4头一月龄长白仔猪的肠粘膜肥大细胞(MMC)、粘膜下结缔组织肥大细胞(CTMC)及胸腺髓质肥大细胞( TMMC)进行了 透射电镜观察。

  • The method and principle of adjusting white light fringes of the Michelson interferometer by using a transmission grating are introduced and the related phenomena are discussed .

    介绍了借助 透射光栅调整迈克耳孙干涉仪的 白光干涉条纹的方法和原理,并讨论了其中的有关现象。

  • In this paper we discussed the effect by carrier phase error in digital image transmission system calculated code error rate and SNR with carrier phase error in Gauss white noise channel and simulated the transmission system on computer .

    本文研究了载波相移对m-QAM传输系统性能的影响,计算分析了高斯 噪声信道相 量与系统误码率及信噪比的关系,并进行了计算机仿真。

  • In addition white layers was also observed under transmission electron microscope .

    还利用 透射电子显微镜观察了 层的形貌。

  • Searching white light interference fringes of Michelson interferometer by using transmission grating

    利用 透射光栅寻找迈克耳孙干涉仪的 白光干涉条纹

  • Study of Dushan white jade transmission from Nanyang

    南阳 独玉透明度的研究

  • By means of numerical calculations of the Colebrook-White equation the influence of inner surface roughness on the fiction factor of gas transmission pipeline was studied in detail .

    采用 Colebrook White公式和数学计算方法,深入研究了粗糙度对 气管道摩 系数的影响。

  • Chapter 4 againsts the random networked control system with white noise disturbance data packet dropping probability only in the network transmission and without time delay gives the algorithm to get the maximum allowable packet dropping probability in ensuring the stability of the system .

    第四章对遭受 噪声干扰的随机网络控制系统,在仅有数据包丢失而无网络 传输延迟时,给出了在确保系统均方稳定前提下的最大允许丢包概率算法。

  • These charming black and white works also appreciate those who have strong sensory stimulation while at the transmission of information brings beauty to enjoy .

    而这些充满魅力的 黑白作品也使欣赏者产生强烈的感官刺激,在 传递信息的同时给人带来美的享受。

  • The fiber morphological characteristics anatomical structure and ultrastructure of triploid Chinese white poplar are studied with light microscope scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope .

    采用光学显微镜、SEM、 TEM技术,研究了三倍体毛白杨纤维形态特征、解剖结构及超微结构。结果表明:三倍体毛 白杨纤维形态特征与普通毛白杨相似;

  • White Spot Syndrome Baculovirus ( WSBV ) Host Range and Transmission Route

    白斑综合症杆状病毒的 感染途径和宿主种类

  • The colored cotton fiber is similar to white cotton in morphological structure through the observation by optical microscope and transmission electron microscope . While the former has larger cell and thinner secondary cell wall than the later most colorant are distributed in the secondary cell wall .

    用光学显微镜、 透射电镜观察彩棉纤维,其形态结构与 棉相似,但胞腔大、次生胞壁薄,色素主要分布在纤维次生胞壁中。

  • When the input signal is white noise or speech signal and the transmission room impulse response changes abruptly in learning process misalignment and mean square error of adaptive algorithms in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation are researched .

    实验研究了输入为 噪声或语音信号、学习过程中 发送房间冲激响应突变时,立体声回波对消自适应算法的失配和均方误差。