whole event

[hol ɪˈvɛnt][həul iˈvent]


  • In order to shed light on the incident the witness spelled out the whole event .

    为了让大家明白此事件,目击者详细的解释了 的来龙去脉。

  • A total lack of leisure breeds resentment he observes and that can torpedo the whole event .

    他发现,完全没有休闲时间会滋生怨恨情绪,彻底毁掉 整个集体 活动

  • And he dedided to survey the whole event .


  • People who don 't know the facts always scolded them whenever something happened before knowing the whole event .

    那些不知道真实情况的人们总是在事情发生后, 事情还没有 完全明朗的 情况下,给予他们指责。

  • For that matter she would drive herself and keep the whole event within her control .

    同样,她宁愿自己开车,将 整个 事情置于自己的控制中。

  • It will make the whole event feel much more personal to your audience .

    这会让你的 听众与你的距离 拉近

  • During the whole event process interact is an integral part .

    整个 过程中,互动式不可或缺的环节。

  • Since this may contradict the whole idea of event handlers you should use isolated scopes carefully within event handlers .

    由于这可能与 事件处理程序的 整体思想相背离,因此应在事件处理程序内谨慎地使用范围隔离。

  • The exciting Rickshaw Race will be the climax of the whole event !

    紧张刺激的人力车大赛将是 大会当日的高潮 所在

  • This whole event puts the hundreds of hostages currently being held in a more precarious position .

    事件使 被俘为人质的数百名人质处于更加危险的处境。

  • The whole event was a stark reminder that there is still plenty of reason to worry about supply shortages and far less reason to be hopeful about extra production coming on to the market .

    整个 事件充分表明,仍有充分的理由担心供应短缺,而没有多少理由可以指望会有额外产量进入市场。

  • The chase was the highlight of the whole event .

    追赶这段是 整个 事件最精彩的部分。

  • A theme that developed for me personally throughout the whole event was that technologists are now the wrong people to be dealing with the high-level operation of the Internet .

    整个 会议中,我个人最关注的问题是网络上现在进行高水准作业的人并不是最技术专家。

  • He summed up the whole event in one sentence .

    他用一句话总结了 整个 事件的经过。

  • This method comprehensively considers the air-soil-plant system and the magnitude of impact drought event in each interval on the whole drought event to determine the drought level .

    该方法指标评定旱级时综合考虑气候-土壤-植物体系和各时段 旱象整个作物旱情的影响程度。

  • The subsidy is the funding advantage that the banks receive because their creditors know they will be made whole in the event of financial stress just as creditors were during the financial crisis .

    这些补贴使银行获得了资金上的优势,令它们的债权人知道,他们的资金在银行 遭遇金融压力之时仍可得到保障,就像债权人在金融危机时期受到的待遇那样。

  • A players who is provisional at the start of an event stays provisional through the whole event until a new ratings are calculated .

    临时棋手在 赛事开始时 整个赛期暂停临时身份,直到新的等级分计算出来。

  • And how do I stop my wife from divorcing me as she says she is dreading the whole event ?

    另外,我怎么才能阻止我妻子和我离婚呢?因为她说她对 感到惴惴不安。

  • This is the lowdown on the whole event of the so-called election contest .

    这就是 整个所谓竞选 事件的内幕。

  • Organizing and coordinating the whole event was no small undertaking .

    组织和协调好 整个 事情不是一件容易的事。

  • We would not be surprised if he engineered this whole event .

    如果方舟子阴谋设计了 整个 事件,我们一点都不奇怪。

  • Ray sheriff is a eyes not knead sand hardliners he went to the whole event filled a layer of shadows .

    雷警长是个眼里不揉沙子的强硬派,他的带队给 整个 事件笼罩了一层不详的阴影。

  • They only gave us a sketch of the whole event .

    他们只向我们简略地介绍了 整个 事件

  • The second read returns the event data for the next whole event occurrence .

    第二个read返回下一个 事件发生的 全部事件数据。

  • His words brought the whole event back .

    他的话使人想起了 整个 事件

  • Transcription factors are the key components in the transcription machinery of specific genes while many transcription cofactors combine together with the transcription factors to orchestrate the whole transcription event .

    转录水平的调控是特定基因表达调控的中心环节,转录因子在转录调控中发挥关键作用,转录因子通过与调控元件及其它蛋白因子之间的相互作用 完成复杂的转录调控 过程

  • Now users can get relevant news reports using sites of newswire presences or news search engine . By means of reading these news reports users can understand the whole news event .

    目前,用户可以利用新闻网站专题栏目或新闻搜索引擎获取相关的新闻报道,通过对新闻报道的阅读,进而理解 整个新闻 事件

  • Firstly this article recounts the background of the whole event .

    本文首先讲述 整个 事件 发生的背景。

  • It 's his political foresight and diplomatic talents that played a vital part in the whole event .

    他的政治远见和外交才华在 整个 事件中起到了举足轻重的作用。