whole meal

[hol mil][həul mi:l]


  • Gluten protein arabinoxylan ( AX ) and their interactions have great influence on rheological properties of the whole meal dough and quality of the whole meal bread .

    面筋蛋白、阿拉伯木聚糖(Arabinoxylan,AX)及它们之间的相互作用对 面团的流变性质和全麦面包品质有很大影响。

  • Whole meal bread as the staple food in western countries is the best way to supplement the dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients .


  • He conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy .

    他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌 饭菜

  • Should you feel mild headache because of too low calorie supply take one or two more whole meal biscuits during the day .

    若因此而出现轻微头痛,可每日进食多一至两片 饼干。

  • I thought the whole meal was good but the soupin particular was delicious .

    我觉得 整顿 都不错,但汤尤其好喝。

  • Whole egg meal for special use and its series produces were developed using fresh egg and some natural food additives with continuous processes and equipments .

    以新鲜鸡蛋为原料,经添加某些天然食品添加剂进行配方、调和后,采用 连续化生产工艺及设备,开发出了溶解性理想的 食品工业专用 蛋粉及其系列产品。

  • The wine was a very special sauterne the whole appointments of the meal perfect the coffee served on the veranda super-excellent .

    酒是一种特别的绍登酒,所有的菜都点得尽善尽美,在走廊上喝的咖啡可以 叫绝

  • Correlation coefficients between quantity of HMW-GS and whole meal protein content and SDS sedimentation were relatively higher than coefficients between quantity of HMW-GS and Mixograph parameters such as mixing time mixing tolerance and weakness .

    高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基表达量与 蛋白质含量和SDS沉降值的相关系数较高,与和面时间、耐揉性及弱化值的相关系数较低。

  • The best compositions of oat whole meal bread and steam bread are 2.5 % ASK and 8.0 % vital gluten .

    沙蒿籽粉和谷朊粉共同使用的效果优于两者单独使用;加入2.5%沙蒿籽粉和8%谷朊粉对燕麦 面包和馒头品质改善效果最好。

  • But I still move joined forces to a table the whole meal for the mother .

    但我依然动起手来,为妈妈 出一桌 饭菜

  • Study on the measurement of the Swelling Index of Glutenin with Wheat Whole Meal Samples


  • ' The microwave doesn 't feel good to this consumer ' to cook a whole meal says Ms. Schwartz .

    施瓦茨说:对此类消费者来说,使用微波炉(做一 整顿 )让他们感觉不好。

  • She says that they are not material when taken in context of whole meal being prepared .

    她说这点东西与 整顿 的材料相比并不是实质性重大的。

  • Wanda bought spareribs at the supermarket and the whole family had a meal that really tasted like a meal .

    婉达在超市里买了点排骨, 全家人围坐在一起吃了一 真正意义上的晚餐。

  • The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent .

    整顿 都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更好。

  • Just as Chinese food however seems to taste better when it is eaten with chopsticks so the whole meal will be more enjoyable if one knows a little of the ancient traditions and beliefs of a 5 000-year-old culinary heritage .

    但是,正因为中国食品似乎用筷子食用味道更好,因此如果知道拥有5000年历史的饮食传统中的一些古老传统和信仰的话, 整个 进餐就会变得更加富有乐趣了。

  • In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid .

    同时, 所有 进的 食物腐烂并发酵,转化为酸。

  • On new year 's eve the whole family eats a meal together .

    除夕那天, 全家要吃 团圆

  • They hadn 't got a moment they said can you lay in orange juice and muesli and yogurt and whole meal bread ?

    她们说,她们一点儿空都没有,你能准备好橘子汁、加干果麦片、酸奶和 面包吗?

  • Study on the new technology of industrializing production of whole egg meal for special use the chicken

    专用鸡 蛋粉工业化生产新工艺研究

  • Whole meal flour can be used for bread making but cakes and pastery will be coal-se in texture dark in colour .


  • Regular consumption of whole meal food will reduce the incidence of multiple chronic diseases .

    经常食用 食品会降低多种慢性病的发生率。

  • For frozen dough processing the quality of frozen dough decreased gradually with the time the oat whole meal processing quality of bread and steamed bread becomes worse four days later .

    对冷冻面团加工而言,随着冷冻时间的延长面团品质不断下降,冻藏4d后燕麦 冷冻面团面包、馒头品质显著降低。

  • And the swelling index of glutenin with whole meal was highly ( positively ) related to that of flour when the same swelling time was used ( 0.843 ~ () ( 0.912 ~ ()) and 0.934 ~ ()) .

    在溶涨时间相同时,用 麦粉和用面粉测得的谷蛋白溶涨指数呈极显著正相关(0.843)。

  • The whole meal was excellent not least the fresh strawberries they served for dessert .

    整个 饭菜非常好,特别是他们上的那道新鲁草莓的甜食。

  • There is one kind of food however that might have you guessing animal vegetable or mineral for the whole meal .


  • So try balancing out white breads with bran whole meal and rye breads as this will be the best for your body .

    所以尝试均衡摄取白面包、麸皮、 和裸麦面包,因为这样对你的身体最好。

  • Relationship on Solvent Retention Capacity with Kernel Hardness and Protein Content of Wheat Whole Meal

    小麦 溶剂保持力与籽粒硬度及蛋白质含量的关系

  • I was expecting only a little snack and you sent me a whole meal . I am still digesting it !

    我原本只期待一点儿零食,你却给我送来了一 大餐。我仍然在消化它!