wonder child

[ˈwʌndɚ tʃaɪld][ˈwʌndə tʃaild]


  • I wonder : should I or should I not have a child ?

    犹豫:要还是不要 小孩

  • And as you walk through your quiet house you wonder where they went and you wish your child hadn 't grown up so fast .

    当你在安静的房子里独自行走时,你 想着孩子 都去哪儿了 真希望他们没有这么快长大。

  • The magic the wonder the mystery and the innocence of a child 's heart are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world . I really believe that .

    我真诚的相信:魔术、 奇迹、神秘和 孩子内心的纯真是创造力的源泉,它可以治愈这个世界的创伤。

  • I wonder what was wrong with their second child ?

    知道第二个 孩子犯了什么错?

  • It 's a wonder that the child came through without a scratch .

    孩子竟能安然无恙地脱险,真是 奇迹

  • I have never witnessed such a wonder child as he .

    我从来没有见过像他那样的 神童

  • That when she sees pictures of starving children she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die .

    每当看到那些忍饥挨饿的孩子们的照片,她就会 思索:世上还有什么比眼睁睁地看着自己的 孩子饿死更悲惨呢?

  • She is a famous wonder child of table tennis .

    她是著名的乒坛“ 神童”。

  • To him I would say that the rewards were there all along & for any parent open to the wonder of seeing a child begin to speak or surprise us with a new word used for the first time .

    对他的抱怨,我会说,回报早就有啦任何乐于看 孩子开口说话、或看 孩子第一次用了某个词语而引起 惊喜的父母,都能获得这种回报。

  • Or parents who wonder if a child 's learning problems stem from food poisoning-caused dialysis as a toddler .

    还有的家长 怀疑他们的 孩子学习障碍是否和学步时因为食物中毒做过透析有关。

  • I open to the wonder of the world like a child . I see the world through new eyes every time I look at it . I always see something beautiful .

    我像个 孩子对世界 充满 惊叹每一次我都用新的视野观看这世界我总是看见美丽的事物。

  • No wonder a woman who as a child did not receive this encouragement does not enter science at all .

    也就 奇怪 为什么那些在 孩童期没有得到这种鼓励的女性根本就不进入科学领域了。

  • The existences of knowledge gap and information gap make the wonder child rumor got the most possibility of communication and practice in rural area .

    知沟及信息沟的存在使非典时期的 神童流言在农村地区得以最大可能地传播和实践。

  • The $ 100 Rocket the Wonder Dog has a microchip that allows a child to train it to respond to human voices .

    微型 芯片;机器狗使用微型芯片可以对人们发出的声音指令 做出各种不同的动作。

  • Annie : Yes . She is indeed a wonder child ! I thought love was only true in fairy tales !

    安妮:她真 不愧神童。爱情是童话故事中唯一真实的东西!