wish for

[wɪʃ fɔr][wiʃ fɔ:]


  • Most of all I never wish for too much .

    最重要的是,我从不 希望 得到太多。

  • This general store has just about everything you could wish for .

    这家商店日用品 应有尽有

  • It 's not enough to wish for peace ; we must strive for it .


  • They have no wish for any change in the status quo

    他们不 改变现状。

  • A philosopher once said ' Be careful what you wish for ; you might get it . '

    一位哲学家曾说过:“别轻易 许愿——你可能会如愿以偿。”

  • Today I read an essay : Be Careful What You Wish For .

    今天,我读了一篇短文:“慎重 许愿”。

  • If I wish for a horse-hair for my compass-sight I must go to the stable ;

    假如我 给我的罗盘 一根马毛,我得去马厩;

  • That 's what we all wish for to seek a better life right ?

    那就是我们所有人 希望 寻找到的良好生活,不是吗?

  • I have no wish for you to win any4-d.

    我不 要求你中什么马票。

  • I wish for a room .


  • I wish for nothing more than to live a decent life .

    除了过上像样的生活,我别无 奢求

  • When they possess a car they wish for a limousine .

    有了小车了, 希望有豪车。

  • What I actually wish for her is failure . I believe in the power of failure .

    实际上我撒了 ,我真正 她的 希望是失败,因为我相信失败的力量。

  • I wish for your sake they were right .

    为了你的缘故,我 但愿他们是对的。

  • I have my peace I have my king I have everything a queen might wish for .

    我有了我的和平,我的国王,我有了一个女王所 希求的一切。

  • Clearly she had no wish for conversation

    她显然 无意谈话。

  • So people eat them and wish for money and treasure .

    所以,人们吃,并 祝愿金钱和财富。

  • We all join hearty congratulations best wish for your happiness .

    谨此我们致以衷心的祝贺和最美好的祝愿, 你们幸福美满。

  • They are driven on partly by a wish for democracy but also by a desire for national self-assertion .

    驱动他们的一方面是 民主的期待,另一方面是对民族自立的 渴望

  • Who could wish for a better opportunity ?

    谁还会 企求能得到比这更好的机会呢?

  • But that is the thing I wish for now .

    眼下 愿望就只有这个了。

  • Which one do you wish for supper my dear ?

    亲爱的,你 想要哪只做我们的晚餐呢?

  • Our wish for better times has come true .

    我们 要求过好日子的 愿望已实现。

  • I have nothing left to wish for .

    我再也没什么 想要的了。

  • Wish I can is wet you today best wish for happy birthday .

    多么希望今天能和你 一起 共祝你生日快乐。

  • If you wish for service you have only to ring .

    如果你 需要服务,你只能按铃。

  • I couldn 't wish for a better husband .

    我丈夫已经再 好不过了。

  • It may also be a case of being careful what you wish for .

    它也可能说明了,要当心你自己的 愿望

  • My wish for you is to become hope .

    你们的 希望是,成为他人的希望。

  • I do not wish for you to be hurt .

    很含蓄,意思是我不 希望你受到伤害。