



  • It is not a matter of rosy cheeks red lips and supple knees .

    这不是一个问题,玫瑰色的脸颊,红嘴唇, 柔软的膝盖。

  • You need to have supple limbs to be a dancer .

    你要成为一名舞蹈演员必须得有 柔软的四肢。

  • They are the only ones whose brains are supple enough for the mental gymnastics required .

    他们是仅有的那些头脑足够 灵活应对这些需要动脑筋的事的人。

  • Nothing can be compared with her dreamy eyes rosy cheeks sexy lips and supple knees .

    她那梦一般的眼睛,玫瑰色的脸颊,性感的嘴唇和 婀娜的身躯,世间无人能比。

  • Get your body moving to boost energy stay supple and shake off winter lethargy

    锻炼身体以增加活力,保持 柔韧性,甩掉冬日的慵懒。

  • Supple : Tasting term indicating a soft easy-drinking wine with no sharp or bitter flavours .


  • Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple

    经常使用润肤露可使皮肤柔软而 富有 弹性

  • Is revealed to be a situation that 's supple more nuanced even interesting .

    问题就变成了一个 灵活、微妙甚至是有趣的情景。

  • The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years

    该皮革 柔软而结实,足以用上数年。

  • Paul was incredibly supple and strong

    保罗 身体极其 灵活,而且非常结实

  • Try these simple exercises to keep your feet supple .

    尝试做这些简单的锻炼来保持双脚的 柔韧性

  • I do yoga several times a week so I 'm quite supple .

    我常常做瑜伽,所以我的身体很 柔软

  • Your real age is revealed by how active and supple your mind and body are .

    你的真实年龄由你心灵和身体的 灵活度揭示。

  • This model of product is uses the ultra supple cotton material and the first-level cotton manufacture becomes !

    此款产品是采用超 布料和一级棉花制作而成!

  • Smells awesome and leaves your skin feeling supple and moisturized .

    味道真棒,让你的肌肤感觉 柔软和保湿。

  • This unique combination of natural Dead Sea minerals and Pearl Powder keeps the skin smooth soft and supple .

    这种独特的组合自然死海矿物质和珍珠粉保持皮肤光滑,柔软, 柔顺

  • Traditional cheesemaking skills give our brie its soft supple creamy texture .

    用传统干酪制作技术制成的布里干酪柔软,不易 裂开,而且口感细滑。

  • Massage would keep skin soft and protected and ensure that muscles and joints were healthy and supple .

    按摩可以使 宝宝的肌肤保持柔软细腻,还可以确保他们的肌肉和关节健康和 柔韧

  • She is singing a supple tune .

    她正唱着一个 轻快的曲调。

  • The wine has a medium-bodied supple flavour .

    该葡萄酒味道不浓不淡, 口感

  • Slim and supple and not yet fourteen | she is like the spring-tip of a cardamom spray .

    娉娉袅袅 十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。(杜牧《赠别》)

  • He has nothing of the supple form or slippery manner of the modern Greek about him .

    他没有一点当今希腊人 那种 柔软的身段和圆滑世故的神态。

  • You want your lips to be supple .

    你想让嘴唇 重新 丰满 柔软

  • It is important to keep your mind sharp and supple .

    让你的头脑保持敏锐 灵活很重要。

  • With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains .

    具备 轻快和健康身体的练习者可以准备练习冥想,没有被疼痛分心的问题。

  • It is not a mater of rosy cheeks red lips and supple knees ;

    它不是指红润的脸颊,红色的嘴唇和 柔软 弯曲的膝盖;

  • The vintages all share a mature and fruity quality fresh aromas and a supple and fleshy structure .

    即使年份不同,都具有成熟果香,清新花香以及 柔顺丰腴的结构。

  • Light and supple personal comfort quality and elegance set off temperament .

    质轻 柔顺,贴身舒适,品质高雅,衬托气质。

  • The result is a fantastically supple system of financing but a very costly one .

    这早就了有着令人 不可思议 灵活性的金融系统,但是这个系统必然十分昂贵。

  • This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple .

    这种面膜能使你的皮肤变得柔软 细嫩