supply valve

[səˈplaɪ vælv][səˈplai vælv]


  • The paper analyzes the wears of the fuel supply system the valve timing system as well as the crank and connection rod mechanism in model 195 diesel engine which affects the engine 's combustibility . The improvement measures and its theoretical basis are given .

    分析研究了195型柴油机燃油 供给系统、 气机构、曲柄连杆机构相关零件的磨损对燃状况的影响,并结合实际,提出了改善燃烧状况的理论依据和措施。

  • Based on the variation of the indoor temperature it is brought forward that the control on refrigerant supply by Electronic Expansion Valve to the evaporator be divided into two processes PID control with detailed parameters and self-adaptive control .

    本文根据室内温度的变化趋势,提出电子膨胀 对蒸发器 的控制分为两个过程,即细化参数的PID控制和自适应控制。

  • To prevent from the errors on the voltage-mode switching power supply for electromagnetic valve of fuel system a new current-mode switching power supply is designed .

    针对电压型开关 电源在燃油系统电磁 使用中存在的问题,本文设计了新型电流型开关电源。

  • The cause of fracture of a water supply valve used was analyzed by macrophoto chemical composition analysis metallography and mechanical performance .

    针对使用中的 自来水 阀体断裂破坏,进行了宏观形貌、材质化学成分、金相组织、力学性能等失效分析工作。

  • Specification for applied design of water supply pressure reducing valve for buildings

    建筑 给水减压 应用设计规程

  • It can simplify the fire supply system of highrise building by applying pressure relief valve to vertical compartment .

    采用减压 对高层建筑物的消防 给水系统进行竖向分区,可以简化系统。

  • At least one bin is communicated with a pressure air supply via a pipeline with a valve .

    至少一个料仓通过带有 阀门的管道与压力 气源相通。

  • Including : type of the liquid sulfur pump capacity pressure rating name and address of user phone number year of supply and service conditions of the jacket ball valve .

    提供的参数应包括:液硫泵型号、处理量,压力等级,用户名称和地点,联系电话, 供货年份以及 硫泵的使用情况。

  • PLC is the core of the entire control system which control the peripheral equipment exactly . The peripheral equipment include arc voltage controller weld power supply wire feeder controller electromotor and electromagnetic valve .

    可编程控制器是机床控制系统的核心,能够对机床的外围设备展开精确控制,这些外围设备包括:弧压控制器、焊接 电源、送丝机控制器、电动机和电磁 等。

  • Supply all valves with valve position indication .

    所有阀门上要 标明 安装位置。

  • According to the operation request and habit of hydropower stations in China when the governor of a large water turbo-generator set loses power supply the main distributing valve must automatically return to the zero position so that the servomotor can keep the opening degree .

    根据国内水电站的运行要求和习惯,大型水轮发电机组的调速器在失去 电源时,一般要求其主配 自动保持在中间平衡位置,从而使接力器保持在原来的位置。

  • The experiments involving the combination of an umbrella nozzle and the fuel supply system of 4 valve single cylinder model 135 diesel engine were conducted on an injection pump test stand .

    将伞喷嘴与 四气 单缸135型柴油机的 燃油系统配合,在喷油泵试验台上进行了试验。

  • Our company supply the best valve for customer .

    我公司为广大用户 提供国际最优质的 脉冲

  • Please state the following information when ordering a valve in order to avoid unnecessary delays and to insure we supply you with the valve you have requested .

    订购阀门时,请 提供下列数据,避免不必要的反复和延误,确保所购买的 阀门确实是自己所需要的阀门。

  • To maintain the integrity of the process logic manual air supply overrides for control and automated valve actuator solenoids are not permitted .

    为保持工艺逻辑的完整性,控制器与自动 阀门执行机构的电磁阀不许超驰手动 供气

  • Hydro dynamics status when the accident of urban water supply network happens or after valve shutdown are simulate by hydrodynamic calculations of network with lower hydro-pressure .

    三峡升船机的水动力计算通过低水压下 管网的水力计算,来模拟故障时和关 后的水力工况。

  • Method Five young healthy male subjects aged 18 ~ 21 years were tested in the ECS with no active ventilation and no oxygen supply ( NAVANOS ) when the gas regulatory valve switch was placed on A or B position respectively .

    方法5名年龄为18~21岁的健康男性分别在 密闭服调节 开关被置于A和B两种不同位置的密闭服中进行测试。

  • When the temperature of the refrigerating device reaches a desired point the water supply valve can close .

    当制冷装置内温度达到预定值时, 供水 阀门关闭,停止供水。

  • The initial fire water requirement booster pump control water supply safety of alarm valve and boosting facilities of high-rise buildings in design of sprinkler system since the issuance and implementation of Code of Design for Sprinkler Systems ( GB 50084-2001 ) were discussed .

    对《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GB50084&2001)颁布实施以来,自动喷水灭火系统设计中初期消防供水量、增压泵控制、报警 供水安全性以及超高建筑的增压设施等问题进行了探讨。

  • Check and open the air supply for all pneumatic valve .

    检查并开启全部气动 气源

  • Temperature of water can be adjusted by controlling backwater valve and supply valve .

    通过对回水阀和 补水 的控制,可实现对水温的调节。

  • The spring return pneumatic actuators use an air supply to drive the valve stem in one direction and an internally loaded spring to return to the valve to its original position .

    春季返回气动执行机构使用的空气 供应,以推动一个方向 阀杆和一个内部装载弹簧返回到原来的位置阀门。

  • Design about Switching Power Supply for Electromagnetic Valve of Fuel System

    燃油系统电磁 用开关 电源的设计

  • Urban Water Supply Pipe network of Computer Incidents Squib Valve Clearance

    城市 供水管网爆管事故的计算机关

  • Priority introduces the main body of a book almost growing water supply pipeline valve in common use choosing the type and matters needing attention .

    本文重点介绍几种 给水管路的常用 阀门选型及注意事项。

  • The supplier shall supply molecular sieve changeover ball valve within the period specified in contract .

    供货商应在合同规定的时间内 提供分子筛切换 球阀

  • Model 6BFK12 / 24 electrohydraulic proportional controller is a new type control unit which can supply electrohydraulic proportional multiple valve with eight proportional signals and four on-off signals .

    6BFK12/24型电液比例控制器是一种能够为多联电液比例 提供8个比例信号和4个开关信号的新型控制装置。

  • The smoke detection probe controls a relay provided at the driving cap position ; the relay controls the power supply of each branch circuit and an electromagnetism automatic valve of the automobile .

    烟感探头控制装在驾驶室处的继电器,继电器控制汽车的各支路 电源和电磁自动 阀门