supplement cost

[ˈsʌpləmənt kɔst][ˈsʌpliment kɔst]

[经] 追加成本,补充成本

  • Combining the Supply Chain Configuration and the New Institutional Economics the theory inquiry and research is introduced in Chapter 2 mainly from the angle of resources supplement transaction cost economics and contract economics .

    论文的第二章是将供应链构建和新制度经济学两者结合进行的理论探讨和研究,主要是从资源配置、交易 成本和契约经济学三方面来研究 供应链的构建。

  • Loss of reputation is an effective supplement of punishment mechanism of Government against deception . So it is necessary to promote industrialization of the development of trade credit information create a good trade credit environment and reduce cost of trade credit search .

    企业声誉损失是政府失信惩罚机制的有效 补充,所以要促进信用信息的产业化发展,形成良好的信用服务环境,降低信用搜索 成本

  • Organizing the supplement ration of compaction cost for stone-filled embankment in higher level roads

    高等级公路填石路堤压实 费用 补充定额的编制

  • The profit model of supply chain based on VMI is established with initial inventory allowable short supply supplement for short and time-delay for supplement and the total inventory-related cost for the supply chain and for suppliers is analyzed respectively for such model .

    建立了基于VMI的有初始库存、允许库存短缺、缺货需补充、 补充具有延时的供应链利润模型,并对该模型进行了供应链总的库存相关 成本及供应商的库存相关 成本分析。

  • If the project management theory and practice optimize the design management mode fully complement each other apply to new rail transit construction makes the design and construction of supplement each other achieve progress quality the perfect combination of investment cost .

    如果能将项目管理理论与实际相结合,进一步优化设计管理模式,充分地取长补短,运用于新的轨道交通建设之中,使得设计与施工 相辅相成,达到进度、质量、投资 成本的完美结合。

  • Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol the low cost of which is one of its attractive features .

    乙醇通常作为汽油的 替代 ,但目前它比甲醇要贵两倍,因此甲醇的低廉 价格便成为引人注目的特点。

  • A supplement of adding market stage to product life cycle is proposed . The cost in product all-life-cycle should mainly include three parts of product cost customer cost and band cost .

    本文 认为产品寿命周期定义中应增加一个市场开拓阶段,认为产品全寿命周期 成本应当包含生产成本、品牌成本和使用成本三大主要部分。

  • Wireless communication as a supplement and extension of communication systems because human nature can provide rich functionality and low cost communications services has attracted consumers .

    无线通信作为通信系统的 补充和延伸,因能够提供丰富的人性化功能且通信服务 费用低廉,而备受消费者喜爱。

  • However we always prefer to maximize the deterrent function of fines first and to a certain period of imprisonment as a supplement because the social cost of fines is far less than which of imprisonment .

    但是由于监禁的社会 成本远远高于罚金,所以在惩治商业贿赂行为时我们总是优先选择最大限度的发挥罚金的威慑功能,并以一定期限的监禁作为 补充

  • In the present the balance of financial supplement and item cost were bigger should raise financial supplement intensity complete economic supplement style increase resource utilization rate .

    目前财政 补助与项目 成本缺口较大,应增加财政补助强度,完善经济补助方式,提高资源使用效率。

  • If the surplus is used for US w_670 biofuels will the United States supplement food aid w_681 with cash and will the cost of food go up as a result ?

    但是如果美国用其多余的粮食生产生物燃料,然后以现金方式进行粮食援助,这最终将导致 粮价的上涨。

  • The rapid development of Internet revolutionized the purchasing cataloguing way broadcasting professionals utilize the network and supplement of the traditional method so as to improve the purchasing cataloguing work efficiency reduce the cost of purchasing cataloguing .

    互联网的飞跃发展颠覆了传统的采编方式,广播从业人员利用网络丰富和 补充传统的采编手段,从而提高采编工作效率,降低采编 成本