The design idea and architecture of supply chain price negotiation system based on multi-agent were proposed .
提出了基于多智能体的 供应链协商 报价系统设计思想及其体系结构;
The supply price of office equipments has little influence on the cost of company .
办公室设备 供应 价格的对于公司的成本影响不大。
So we hope that as soon as possible with your company can supply the price of the product in consensus on .
所以,我们希望尽快能与贵公司在产品的 供货 价格上取得一致。
However the high coal price and the limit for heat supply price brought these enterprises into great difficulty .
但是,煤炭价格的高企和热 价的限制却让 热电企业面临困境。
In our country the structure of urban water supply price must run through cost price .
我国城市 供水 价格结构要直接体现全成本定价,自来水价格不应只是处理自来水的价格,而是一个系统化的概念。
Valve ; Choose a type ; Pipeline ; Pressure ; Medium ; Water supply ; Price ; Characteristic property .
阀门;选型;管路;压力;介质; 给水; 价格;特性。
On the other hand making reasonable supply price to grid could give attention to the benefits of project and government on existing tax polices .
在现有税收政策下,合理地确定项目的上网 电价,能较好地兼顾项目和政府的收益。
Distribution is an important link in the electric power industry hair transmission variable with supply price value chain .
配电是电力工业发、输、变、配、用 供用 电价值链的一个重要环节。
Analyzing and evaluating the WR project management system developing potential resources and capacity of Guangxi in market the author thought that the main factors which puzzled and restrained the WR project management system developing were investment model management system and water supply price .
通过对广西水利工程管理系统在市场、资源和能力3个方面发展潜力的分析评估,认为长期困扰和制约水利工程管理系统发展的瓶颈因素是投资模式、管理体制和 供水 价格等政策体系。
The existing problems and Countermeasures of the water supply price reform on the hydraulic engineerings
水利工程 供水 价格改革存在的问题与对策
The Research of Estimation for Water Supply Price of TOT Project
供水厂TOT项目 水价测算研究
The profitability of the project is influenced by preferential tax life span of the project and supply price to grid also by initial investment run cost and income from sales .
这类项目的经济性,受税收政策、项目寿命期和上网 电价影响,还受初始投资、运行费用和销售收入的影响。
The original intention of paper is to carve out a new way based on mathematic model for city water supply price and offer an effective calculation way .
本文研究的初衷就是希望通过具体 数量模型的构建,为城市 水价的确定开拓一条新思路,同时提供一个有效、实用的理论指导方法。
Quote a supplement together for these two items . Only supply unit price for multi-cores cable .
两者放在一起 提供一个补充报价,对于大对数电缆,只报 单价。
Facing intensified competition serious losses of generation side and restricted to coal supply price Huadian Corporation established Coal Group Corporation in order to bring down purchase cost of power generation coal and guarantee safety supply .
面对电煤市场竞争加剧、发电侧受制于煤炭 供应 价格而亏损严重的严峻形势,为降低电煤采购成本,保证电煤安全供应,华电集团公司成立煤业集团。
The Basic Research on Urban Water Supply Price
城市 供水 定价初步研究
Research on Power Supply Price Regulation Based on Improved Price Cap Model
基于改进价格上限的输 配 电价监管模型
Our goal is to not lose the ability to obtain good performance get your company behind the good supply price .
我们的目标是在不亏本的情况下能取得好的业绩,得到贵司后面的好的 供货 价。
Sales price : We make the unity price standard please consult our staff if you have questions on the supply price .
销售价格:全国统一零售价,针对专卖加盟经营的 供货 价格请咨询我们的工作人员。
This part is the comment on analysis of titles of price demand price supply price supply and demand in the theory of equilibrium price and the economic equilibrium . This shows the view of inverse and direct proportions between supply and price are untenable .
分析均衡价格与经济均衡的价格、需求价格、 供给 价格和供给与需求称谓存在的问题,笔者发现,供求与价格反正比关系是难以成立的。
According to the up-to-date full cost pricing theory water supply price is composed of triple costs which include resource cost environment cost engineering cost profit and tax .
根据最新的水价计价理论,全成本计价框架下 供水 工程 水价应包括:资源成本、环境成本、工程成本、利润和税金三重成本五个组成部分。
The government may influence the profitability of the project by two kinds of policies which are preferential tax and preferential supply price to grid .
政府可以通过优惠税收政策和给予优惠上网 电价两种方式影响项目的经济性。
Model design for water supply price of hydraulic projects
水利工程 供水 水价模式设计
Supply : PVC a transparent mat PVC mat company specializing in the production full color stable supply price is right to contact the specific circumstances of homegrown dwell .
供应:PVC一级透明脚垫、我公司专业生产PVC脚垫,颜色齐全, 货源稳定 价格合适自产自销具体情况联系详谈。
With the help of game theory and the use of supply and price as variable of policy decision the paper studies the energy substitution issue by a two-stage dynamic game model .
以博弈论为研究工具,以 供应 量 和 价格为决策变量,通过两阶段动态博弈模型,对能源之间的替代问题进行了研究。
In the model the formula of the highest demand price and lowest supply price for a country are derived through the perturbation analysis .
使用该模型通过扰动分析,导出了减排量的最高需求价格和最低 供给 价格的计算公式。
Now the water supply price is not rational in cities of our country this increases the burden of water supply and financial institutions and causes the waste of water .
目前我国城市 供水 价格不合理,既加大了供水单位和财政的负担,又造成用水的浪费。
Some Opinions on the Water Supply Price of Reservoir
水库 供水 价格 测算浅见
Pool purchase price transmission price and retail supply price in chain of power price is established .
最后,建立电价链各阶段电价即上网电价、输电电价和销售 电价 计算模型方法。
The economists think when the demand is bigger than the supply the price go up .
经济学家认为对商品的需求 量比较大的时候, 价格就会上涨。
美[səˈplaɪ praɪs]英[səˈplai prais]