


  • Highly stabilized laser giant pulse output using superradiance as trigger signal of the Q-switch

    辐射 触动Q开关 获得高稳定激光输出

  • Some Nonlinear Effects in Superradiance


  • In this paper primary experimental study on tunable TEA CO2 superradiance laser have been presented and the superradiance output intensity linewidth and pulsewidth are calculated and analyzed theoretically .

    通过实验对可调谐TEACO2 辐射激光器的特性进行了研究,从理论上对此超辐射的输出强度、线宽和脉宽进行了粗略估算与分析。

  • The classical theory of Superradiance has been Summarized in this article .

    综述了 辐射的经典理论。

  • The separation of boron isotopes is studied by tunable TEA CO2 superradiance laser .

    提出了采用可调谐TEACO2 辐射激光器对硼同位素分离的研究方法。

  • Study of X-Band High-Power Sub-nanosecond Pulse Generation Based on Superradiance Mechanism

    基于 辐射机理产生X波段高功率亚纳秒脉冲研究

  • This article discusses superradiance by means of equations for interaction of radiation with matters .

    用辐射与物质相互作用方程组讨论 辐射

  • A superradiance from N two-level atoms is described by making use of the generalized Jaynes - Cummings model .

    本文利用推广的Jaynes-Cummings模型描述N个二能级原子的 辐射,得到了 辐射场的二阶关联函数的一般表达式。

  • Simulation and experimental study of cyclotron superradiance at millimeter-wave band

    毫米波回旋 辐射 粒子模拟与实验研究

  • Fan - shaped superradiance of the dye laser

    染料激光的 扇面 辐射

  • Squeezing in superradiance the malfunction diagnosis of cutting processing ;


  • Primary Study on Tunable TEA CO_2 Superradiance Laser

    可调谐TEACO2 辐射激光器初步研究

  • Squeezing in superradiance 1 . The creation of pressure .


  • SUPERRADIANCE The stability of SLD light source has very important effect on the performances of FOG .

    SLD 辐射二极管)光源的稳定性对光纤陀螺的性能有极其重要的影响。

  • Sub-Poisson photon statistics in a superradiance


  • Thermodynamics of a superradiance with a cluster expansion

    借助集团展开的 辐射热力学

  • Subnanosecond millimeter relativistic backward wave oscillator based on superradiance mechanism was a novelty microwave device developed in last few years .

    基于 辐射机理的亚纳秒毫米波微波器件是近几年发展起来的一种新型微波器件,其 辐射功率与参与束波 作用的电子束密度的平方成正比关系。

  • The classical theory of superradiance

    关于 辐射的经典理论

  • In the first chapter the high power microwave device development process was reviewed the physical mechanisms underlying superradiance phenomenon based on Cherenkov radiation expounded and the research activities in this field both in and out of China summarized .

    首先简述了高功率微波器件的发展历程和 切伦 柯夫超辐射机理, 比较详细介绍了国内外在这一领域的研究状况。

  • Superradiance in nuclear magnetic resonance : radiation damping

    核磁共振中的 辐射现象&辐射阻尼

  • The output waveform of the single-pulse superradiance has been found and its fundamental characteristics and producing conditions are analysed .

    了单脉冲输出的 波形,分析了其基本特点和产生条件。

  • Superradiance Laser 's Coherence of Two & Level Systems and Relaxation


  • In this paper the fundamental characters and the experiment principle of superradiance are introduced at first . The theoretical treatments of superradiance of a two-level atomic system are explained by means of semiclassical theory aud quantum theory approach .

    本文首先介绍了 辐射的基本特性和实验原理,并论述了半经典理论和量子理论对于二能级原子集合系统超辐射问题的处理。

  • Three-dimensional superradiance of dye lasers

    染料激光的三维 辐射