The Liquefaction - inhibiting Effect of Gravel Drains and Surface Load
砾石排水桩与 地面 压 重的抗液化效果
In the paper the foundation fluctuant characteristics under the effect of surface external load are used to analyse the response distribution of vibration field and provide important useful parameters for project foundation design .
本文利用在 表面外 荷作用下地基的波动特性,分析探讨振动场的响应分布,为工程基础的设计提供重要的有用参数。
The design and calculation of pile foundation under a large-area surface load
大面积 地面 堆 载 作用下的桩基础设计计算
Numerical Simulation of Surface Wind Load on Low-rise Buildings
低层建筑 表面风 荷载数值模拟研究
This paper is based on FEM elastic contact theory a analysis computing method is proposed on internal gearing with small teeth difference to describe the teeth load sharing and tooth surface load distribution .
本文以有限元弹性接触分析理论为基础,提出了一种对少齿差内齿轮副啮合过程中齿间载荷分配、齿 面 载荷分布的分析计算方法;
OBJECTIVE To improve the sensitivity of detecting MRSA using quartz oscillation gene sensor ( QOGS ) by increasing its surface load on the basis of the principle of strand extension reaction .
目的利用链延伸反应的原理延长引物链以提高石英谐振式基因传感器 表面的质量 负载,从而提高传感器检测MRSA的灵敏度。
For inclined-tube sedimentation design the parameter of tank can be determined by inclined-tube parameters discharge and surface load .
对于斜板(斜管)沉淀池设计,则主要通过选定的斜板(斜管)参数、流量和 表面 负荷等来确定沉淀池的各参数。
The results show that large amount of surface heat load can be removed even by stationary free surface liquid lithium target plate due to rapid evaporation .
结果表明定常自由表面液态锂靶板也可以取出大量 表面热 负荷。
By means of the load decompose and the surface load condition the vibrational governing equations of thick plate subjected to the symmetric and unti - symmetric loads are derived .
通过载荷分解和圆板 表面条件,可以得到厚圆板在对称载荷与反对称 载荷作用下的振动控制方程。
The Influence of Tooth Flank Quality and Lubrication Conditions on the Tooth Surface Load Capactiy
齿轮 表面质量和润滑条件对齿 面 承载能力的影响
The cavity collapses while the vehicle is moving from the water into the air which has great effects on the surface load and the mechanical environment of the vehicle .
在出水过程中,出现空泡溃灭现象,对航行体的 表面 受 力及力学环境有重要影响。
Below figure shows the relation between fumace temperatures element temperature and element surface load under the condition that the element radiation isn 't obstructed .
下图示出了元件辐射在不受阻碍情况下的炉温、件温度与 表面 负荷之间的关系。
Predicting Forest Surface Fuel Load by Using Forest Stand Factors
利用林分特征因子预测森林地被 可燃物 载 量 的 研究
Preliminary study on surface load effect of water level in deep well and its relationship to physical mechanical parameters of aquifer
深井水位的 地表 荷载效应及其与含水层物理力学参数关系初探
The Response of a Spherically Stratified Earth Model to Body Force and Surface Potentials Load
成层地球模型对体势力及 表 载的响应
The refining mechanism of refiner is discussed by analyzing the specific refining energy the specific edge load and the specific surface load .
通过分析有效磨浆功、有效缘角负荷、有效 表面 负荷,阐明了磨浆机的打浆机理。
The sliding contacts of gradient layers sandwich layers and ordinary multi-layers coatings subjected to the same surface load have been investigated under elastic-plastic deformation in this paper .
本文研究梯度层、三明治层及普通多层膜覆层体受相同 表面 载荷滑动接触 作用下的弹塑性变形情况。
Based on the established equivalent numerical analysis model of sliding plug door made from composite material and taking use of ANSYS numerical value we simulate the response of sliding plug door of high-speed train under surface load of 6000 Pa and validate the simulation result through experiment .
依据已建立的复合材料塞拉门数值分析等效模型,利用ANSYS数值模拟了高速列车塞拉门在6000Pa 面静 载荷下的响应,并通过实验对模拟结果进行了验证。
In civil engineering physical and mechanical properties of the soil and structure deformation and displacement of retaining structures the surface load of filled soil groundwater situation and the add-back process all affects the size and distribution of the earth pressure .
在土木工程中,土体的力学性质、结构组成、支挡结构物的变形和位移、填土的 表面 荷载、地下水的情况以及回填工艺都影响着土压力的大小和分布。
Then the mathematics model of calculating the surface load and point load in the design of aircraft structure static load test using aircraft surface model is established .
其次结合飞机的曲面外形,建立了飞机结构静力试验设计中的 分布式 载荷和集中式载荷的演算数学模型。
The average surface load of two reactors in series was NH + 4 N 3 ~ 4 g / ( m 2 · d ) and the general autotrophic ammonium removal efficiency was about 70 % .
两级串联反应器的平均 表面 负荷为NH+4N3~4g/(m2·d),总的全程自养脱氮率达70%左右。
Lamb 's Problem for Unsaturated Soils Half-Space Under Vertical Concentrated Surface Load
垂直集中 表面 荷载 作用下非饱和土半空间中的Lamb问题
In this paper we adopted the model composed of two different uniform compositions for the Moon and worked out the elastic solution with uniform surface load and uniform body forces respectively .
我们采用由两个均匀同心层组成的月球模型,分别对均布 表面 载荷和均布径向体力求出了弹性力学解。
An Approach to the Taking of Surface Load Values for Secondary Sedimentation Tanks
二沉池 表面 负荷取值的探讨
Research on vibro-acoustic performance of sonar dome under uniform surface load
均匀 面 载荷激励下潜艇透声窗振声性能研究
Stress analysis of pipeline subject to surface load
地面 占压 荷载 作用 下的管道应力分析
Compared with the cascade without slot the surface load of cascade with slot increases near the leading edge and trailing edge and decreases at the slot inlet . Experimental Investigation on the Film-Cooling Adiabatic Effectiveness with Different Slot Inlet Hole Pitches
通过开槽处理,改变了叶栅 表面的静压分布,使叶栅前段、后段的 负荷增大,小槽进口附近的 负荷减小.不同缝槽进气孔间距的纯气膜绝热温比试验研究
With the same surface load q to meet flocs sliding conditions the optimal obliquity of inclined tube θ would be 35 ° to 60 ° .
q相同时,斜管 倾角为35°~60°能基本满足絮团下滑的要求。
Study of the surface wind load and response of carrier rocket
运载火箭 地面风 荷载及响应研究
Uniform Wearing Optimum Design of Extrusion Die Profile The object is to yield more uni-form surface & load distribution on die profile Surface .
以 表面 载荷沿凹模型腔轮廓表面均匀分布为目标,建立了优化数学模型,对挤压模具型腔轮廓形状进行了优化设计。
美[ˈsɚfəs lod]英[ˈsə:fis ləud]