Surface pinholes caused by gas formed at the mould surface .
因 钢 锭模 表面 生成气体而形成的 表面 针孔。
When bubbles of hydrogen gas produced in hydrogen evolution adhere to the cathode surface electrodepositing is prevented pinholes and pits results .
伴随金属沉积发生的析氢反应产生氢气泡吸附在阴极 表面,会导致 针孔和麻点的产生;
Thus the inner structure of the wheel is resin-metal combining binder the surface is resin binder with pinholes .
这样砂轮的内部是树脂-金属复合结合剂结构, 表层是有 气孔的树脂结合剂结构。
Among others surface defects such as pinholes holes and stains appear during the production of PM components especially after sintering .
烧结钢部件在生产过程中,尤其是烧结之后其 表面 有时会 出现 针孔、孔洞及 斑痕等缺陷。
It was observed that the surface of wheat-straw became rougher and there were lots of pinholes in the cell wall by scanning the enzyme-pretreated straw with electricity microscope ( SEM ) .
经扫描电镜观察可看出经过木聚糖酶预处理后麦秸 表面变得粗糙,细胞壁上有很多 小孔。