When the electric resonance frequency approximatively adds one of the inherent surge frequency of synchronous generator axis . The coupling surge of electric-machine system will occur the serious accident is the synchronous generator axis will be twist off and the grave economy loss will be result in .
当线路电气谐振频率与同步 电机的轴系某一固有 振荡频率近似互补于电网工频时,将导致机电系统的耦合振荡,严重时会造成同步发电机大轴的扭断,使 电力系统造成重大的经济损失。
The experiment of lighting radiation effect on rocket is done by using LSG-8015 lighting surge generator which establishes lightning electromagnetic pulse radiation field . The induced voltage of rocket electric ignition system at different discharge voltage level is compared .
利用LSG-8015型雷电 浪涌 发生器与平行板传输线配合模拟雷电电磁脉冲辐射场,对整装状态下水平放置的某型火箭弹进行了辐照试验。
In the pressure diversion system the effects of surge tank location on the pressure on the rotational speed variation of turbine generator set and on the process of water level fluctuation in surge tank were studied in this paper .
同一引水系统 线路, 调 压 室的位置不同,对 水击压力,调压室水位波动, 机组转速变化会带来多大的影响,这正是本文所研究的问题。
A combined surge generator has been constructed for evaluation of immunity performance of electronic devices arresters and their non-linear resistance elements under high-energy lightning disturbance .
研制了一台用于评价电子设备、电力设备、避雷器及非线性电阻在雷电干扰下的电磁兼容性能的复合 波 发生器。
By breaking century old conventions the conventional generator the generator surge arresters the medium-voltage generator breaker and busbars and the step-up transformer are all replaced by one single component .
它打破了一个世纪以来电厂的传统模式,将常规电厂中的发电机、 冲击 电压保护器、 发电机侧开关、母线和升压变压器全部省略,由一台能量变换器来取代。
Research on the combined surge generator based on PC simulation
基于PC模拟的组合 波 试验 装置的研究
The oscillograph tests the surge waveform of the first order discharge loops of the alternating current arc generator . Nanosecond pulsed waveform is observed in the main surge waveform .
在利用示波器测试交流电弧 发生器的一级放电回路的 振荡波形时,在主振荡波形中观测到纳秒脉冲振荡波形。
Reason Analysis of Fan Surge during the Load down Process of Generator Unit
机组降负荷过程中风机 喘振原因分析
The relation T_w > T_A usually meets the case that water power stations are constructed in long conduit ( without surge tank ) form or short conduit and bulb turbine generator .
具有长引水道(无 调压井)或短引水道贯流式 机组的水电站,往往Tw>Ta。
The Study of Phase Tracking for the CWG Surge Generator
组合 波 发生器中相位跟踪技术的研究
Surge Voltage Distribution in the Stator Winding of the Large Turbine - Generator
大型 发电机定子绕组 冲击电压分布
Automatical Measure and Control System of Surge Generator
电涌 发生器自动化测控系统
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