surface hardness

[ˈsɚfəs ˈhɑrdnɪs][ˈsə:fis ˈhɑ:dnɪs]


  • The result showed the main influences of resistance wear of nozzle were materials and surface hardness as well as abrasive water-jet processing parameters .

    结果表明,影响其耐磨性主要因素是喷嘴材料、 硬度及高压磨料水工艺参数。

  • The surface hardness of medium manganese austenite steel 's is increased remarkably by using the casting surface alloy .

    通过铸造表面合金化方法,使中锰奥氏体钢 表面 硬度提高。

  • As the size of parts to be hardened increases the surface hardness decreases somewhat even though all other conditions have remained the same .

    即使所有其它条件保持不变,随着要淬火的零件尺寸的增加其 表面 硬度也会有所下降。

  • Meanwhile high surface hardness after heat treatment the coating surface formed into the amorphous and crystalline mixture the hardness is up to1200HV .

    同时 表面 硬度高,经热处理后,其镀层表面形成非晶态和晶态的混合物时,硬度可达1200HV。

  • When using the utility model the pass is cast with a blank roll in one body therefore ensuring surface hardness of the whole pass to be accorded with the surface hardness of the whole roll .

    使用本实用新型,由于孔型是与毛坯辊一体铸造出来的,保证了整个孔型 表面 硬度与整个轧辊表面硬度一致。

  • As a result of it the surface hardness of the cermets was improved greatly .

    另外氮化处理可以使材料的 表面 硬度得到较大的提高。

  • The nitrite chrome-molybdenum steel crankshaft guarantees the best tensile strength and surface hardness for long-time operation .

    亚硝酸盐铬钼钢曲轴保证了最佳的拉伸强度和 表面的长期运作的 硬度

  • Diamond CVD coating process is introduced to increase the surface hardness of cutting tools .

    为增加切削刀具 表面 硬度引入了钻石化学蒸发沉淀涂层工艺。

  • The experiment shows that it can improve metal surface hardness and prolong service life of parts and increase the stress .

    经试验证明可以大大提高金属 表面 硬度、零件的使用寿命及其受力情况。

  • The relationship between the surface hardness of ferromagnetic material and the intensity of Barkhausen noise was studied .

    通过实验研究了巴克豪森噪声强度与铁磁材料 表面 硬度之间的关系。

  • The varieties of the microstructure and the surface hardness of the titanium alloys sheet after the deformation are analyzed by the metallography microscope SEM and the microsclerometer .

    并利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)和显微硬度计分析了冲击成形后试样组织结构和 表层 硬度的变化。

  • The results show that the laser melting may improve the surface hardness and wear resistance of AZ91D magnesium alloy but the corrosion resistance will not be increased .

    结果表明,激光熔凝能提高镁合金的 表面 硬度及耐磨性,但未能提高其耐蚀性能。

  • The piston rod surface hardness and surface roughness affect its fatigue life .

    活塞杆 表面 硬度和表面粗糙度对其疲劳寿命 均有影响, 表面 硬化一定程度上可 提高疲劳寿命,而表面粗糙度 小,疲劳性能 越好

  • Glass fiber encryption tensile strength increases the more enhance bubble board with size surface hardness and easy construction land mark fixed tube .

    玻璃纤维加密抗张强度增大,更增强泡沫板 硬度表面带有尺寸标记,易于施工固定地热管。

  • Changes of surface hardness and wear resistances in M2 type steel implanted by Cu Al ions were reported .

    报道了M2型高速工具钢在Cu、Al离子注入后 表面 硬度及抗磨损性的变化。

  • Study on Improving Rupture Strength and Surface Hardness of Set Gypsum

    提高建筑石膏抗折强度和 表面 硬度的研究

  • Compared with the existing wood floor the utility model has the advantages of better surface hardness and the improvement of added value of the floor .

    与现有的木地板相比具有较好的 表面 硬度,提高了地板的附加值。

  • Deterioration evaluation the use of corrosion depth and surface hardness as a new evaluation .

    在劣化评价指标中,使用了溶蚀深度和 表面 硬度 作为新的评价指标。

  • However its lower surface hardness and poor corrosion resistance confine its applied range .

    但铝合金 表面 硬度低和抗腐蚀性差等特点,限制了其应用范围,因此,须对铝合金进行 表面 处理以改善其使用性能。

  • For obtaining high surface hardness and great thickness the main factors which affect the nitriding layer structure and properties were analyzed and the optimized parameters were obtained .

    以获得较高 表面 硬度和渗层厚度为依据,分析影响渗氮层结构和性能的主要工艺因素,确定出最佳工艺参数。

  • The surface hardness and wear resistance of aluminum alloy are both improved by means of scanning electron beam .

    电子束表面处理可以提高铝合金材料的 表面 硬度、增加耐磨性。

  • Meanwhile the fracture was accelerated due to the uneven surface hardness and the unreasonable distribution of the hardening layer on the crankshaft and the bad lubrication condition in service .

    同时轴左颈 表面 硬度不均匀、淬硬层分布不甚合理,工作过程中润滑条件差,加速了曲轴的断裂。

  • A high surface temperature longer austenitization duration and the rapid cooling rates result in high surface hardness .

    表面温度高、奥氏体化时间相对较长及冷却速率快导致了 表面的高 硬度

  • One simple way of describing strength is in terms of surface hardness .

    描述强度的一种最简单方法是以 表面 硬度来表示。

  • This paper describes the tribological properties of carbon / cabon composites with different surface hardness .

    对等温CVD沉积所得两种不同结构的炭/炭复合材料,不同 表面 硬度下的摩擦磨损性能进行了研究。

  • With the characteristics of no hydrogen embrittlement thin surface coating high surface hardness and rich colors our coating technology is favored by every work of life .

    无氢脆,表面涂层薄, 表面 硬度高,颜色丰富多彩,得到各行各业的青睐。

  • Aim : To evaluate the surface hardness and abrasion resistance of die stone model with the application of a new gypsum surface hardener .

    目的:测定涂布超硬石膏表面硬化剂有机硅树脂前后石膏模型的 表面 硬度和抗磨损性能,为该石膏表面硬化剂的临床应用提供依据。

  • The thickness of both effective hardened layer and transition layer and the surface hardness and microstructures were studied .

    并对有效硬化层深、过渡区层深、 表面 硬度变化以及金相组织进行了研究。