



  • Swab a child 's throat

    用药 孩子的喉部

  • Analysis the result of throat swab culture taking from 209 hospitalized neonatus

    209例新生儿入院时咽 培养结果分析探讨

  • Interpol said such explosives cannot be detected by using standard X-ray equipment but noted that airport puffer machines swab tests and bomb-sniffing dogs could help aid detection .

    国际警察组织说,这种炸药不能被标准的X射线设备所检测,但指出机场的吹气机、表面 擦拭测试和炸弹嗅探犬可以帮助检测。

  • We think that the swab cultures taken from the tonsillar surface may not always reveal the real pathogen of the tonsils .

    我们认为从扁桃体表面 获得 培养并不能总是显示扁桃体真实的致病菌。

  • A swab shows no trace of carbon .

    药签 标本没有显示出碳的痕迹。

  • I 'll swab the nooks and crannies for semen .

    我会在 暗处和裂口提取精液。

  • Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab .

    请用棉 药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。

  • Where you going ? We got decks to swab .

    你去哪儿?我们还要 清洗 甲板呢。

  • Doctors may some day be able to accurately rapidly and non-invasively diagnose lung cancer with nothing more than a quick swab of the mouth a new study suggests .

    新的研究提示,医生们有一天能用精确,快速,非侵入性的方法诊断肺癌,仅仅用口腔 试验而已。

  • Use a cotton swab e lightly moistened with cleaning fluid or denatured alcohol .

    可用棉 e轻沾清洁剂或酒精清洁之。

  • Swab the blood off her face .


  • But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear .

    但是你可以用 或者布清理耳朵的外部。

  • The report also noted a swab sample taken from the toilet of an infected resident had shown positive in the test for the coronavirus ! Genetic material .

    报告亦指出在一位受感染居民的厕所取得的样本进行 冠状病毒基因测验时,结果呈阳性反应。

  • Analysis for cervical swab HPV test results of 518 clients in department of gynecology

    妇科门诊518例就诊者宫颈 HPV检测结果分析

  • You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal .

    千万别把棉 或其他东西塞进耳道。

  • Therefore if a resistor acquires surface films from careless handling or deposits from air contaminants it should be cleaned with a foam-tipped swab and methanol .

    所以,如果由于不当的处理或空气污染物的沉积而在其表面形成薄膜,则应使用浸了甲醇的泡沫 来清洗。

  • Comparison of mycoplasma culture for sputum and throat swab for diagnosis of mycoplasmal pneumonia in children


  • Only one false positive case was recorded with the oral gum swab test proving 99.7 % specificity .

    通过口腔分泌 检验只有一例假阳性,证明准确度99.7%。

  • You swab that wound on his hand yet ?

    他手上的 伤情 过了吗?

  • Methods : To examine helminth eggs with Kato-katz and examine pinworm eggs with anal swab method for3 ~ 7 years'children then do statistics and analysis for the results .

    采用改良加藤厚涂片法检查肠道蠕虫卵和对3~7岁儿童进行肛 法检查蛲虫卵,并对检查结果进行统计分析。

  • I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed .

    我路过时注意到一个男子独自在自助餐厅里 拖地

  • A keen artist Cao uses a cotton swab instead of a paint brush .

    一位热衷艺术的艺术家,曹庆用棉花 代替画笔作画。

  • Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is radiation hits thyroid first .

    在颈部皮肤的淋巴腺处涂抹 皮维碘软膏,核辐射首先伤害淋巴系统。

  • Enterovirus 71 nucleic acid detected from throat swab specimens of a pair of mother-daughter

    从母女咽 样本中检出EV71肠道病毒核酸

  • I 'll swab it for trace .

    我会 用药 来查明。

  • The crew were orderd to swab down the decks .

    船员们奉命 擦洗甲板。

  • The doctors rub the cotton swab on the opening of a woman 's uterus . Once the liquid touches the organ any pre - cancerous or cancerous cells will turn white .

    医生用棉 摩擦妇女的子宫口,一旦白醋接触该器官,任何癌前或癌变细胞都会变成白色。

  • Swab the wound with mercurochrome and mint and Hoffman 's drops are among my favorite remedies .

    用药 在伤口上敷红药水薄荷精和霍夫曼药水也是我爱用的药。

  • The device tests material collected from a quick swab of a person 's throat .

    这种装置测试的物质是 快速从人的喉咙处采集的。