sweet crude

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  • New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX ) prices for February delivery of light sweet crude oil stood at51.88 U.S.dollars per barrel on Thursday he lowest since May2005 .

    上星期二纽约商业交易所二月份交货的轻质 低硫 原油价格维持在每桶51.88美元,这是自2005年5月份以来的最低价格。

  • The US is still a net importer of oil but the light and sweet ( low-sulphur ) crude produced from US shale is not a perfect substitute for the imported heavy and sour grades preferred by many US refineries .

    美国仍然是一个石油净进口国,但美国页岩行业生产的是 低硫轻质 原油,它们并非是国内许多精炼商青睐的进口重质高硫 原油的完美替代品。

  • A barrel of light sweet crude rose $ 1.55 to settle at $ 63.38 on the New York Mercantile Exchange .

    纽约商品交易所每桶 低硫轻质 原油上涨1.55美元,保持在63.38美元。

  • While Libya accounts for only a tiny portion of global oil production its oil is the most cherished ( and easy to process ) light sweet crude .

    尽管利比亚只占有全球 原油产量的少部分,但是 利比亚的石油是质量最好的(易于加工)。

  • The main reason why Saudi Arabia could not damp prices was that the disrupted supply was light sweet crude and refiners who needed it could not replace it with heavier higher sulphur-content crude .

    沙特无法压低油价的主要原因是,受战乱影响的原油是轻质 低硫 原油,需要这类原油的炼油厂无法用密度较高、含硫量较大的原油取代它。

  • Light sweet crude rose $ 1.69 to settle at $ 123.53 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange but traded just pennies away from $ 124 during Wall Street trading .

    纽约商品交易所轻质 原油价格攀高1.69美元,以 123.53美元每桶报收,交易值与华尔街交易所的124美元每桶仅差几十美分。

  • Oil prices slipped on the New York Mercantile Exchange where a barrel of light sweet crude fell $ 1 to $ 93.09.Gold prices fell as the dollar strengthened .

    在纽约商品交换市场,一桶轻质原油价格降至 93.09美元。黄金价格随着美元的强势而降低。

  • Since 2004 the global demand of petroleum has increased greatly especially the demand of sweet crude which caused the historically high price difference between sweet crude and sour crude .

    2004年以来全球石油需求大幅增加,特别是 低硫 原油需求十分旺盛,造成低硫与含硫原油的价差创下历史新高。

  • As exports of Libya 's high-quality light sweet crude came to a complete halt the price of Brent crude the European benchmark hit $ 127 a barrel in April .

    随着利比亚高质量的轻质 低硫 原油出口彻底停顿,欧洲基准的布伦特(Brent)原油价格今年4月高达每桶127美元。

  • After both Geotrichum candidum and Aspergillus niger were cultured in the medium containing the sweet potato residue pulp on a reciprocal shaker the product contained 58.2 % crude protein which increased by 33.2 % and 7.2 % over the one & strain fermentation respectively .

    将白地霉和黑曲霉搭配接种在 渣浆中摇瓶培养,终产物的 蛋白含量可达58.2%,比相应的单菌发酵分别提高了32.2%和7.2%。

  • Although there is no real shortage of energy resources with the the shortage caused by production structural imbalance in sweet and sulfur crude oil the global oil market has been to some extent a seller 's market .

    尽管供应方面不存在资源性短缺,但 结构性短缺仍将持续,世界 石油市场在一定程度上由买方市场向卖方市场过渡。

  • Content of crude starch of totally 332 newly collected accessions of sweet potato were evaluated . 58 varieties were identified as germplasm with high crude starch .

    通过对332份新征集 甘薯品种资源 薯干粗淀粉含量的分析测定,鉴定得到58份高淀粉种质资源。

  • Sour crude requires more refining than sweet crude which is low in sulfur and as a result often more valuable .

    高硫原油比 低硫 原油要求更加精炼, 低硫 原油含有很少的硫磺,所以通常更加有价值。

  • It produces red light sweet and expensive crude for the Italian French and Spanish markets .

    它为意大利、法国和西班牙市场生产红色,昂贵的轻质 低硫 原油

  • The premium that the market gave light sweet crude oil which is well-suited for making diesel has dwindled as diesel demand has shrunk .

    适于生产柴油的轻质 低硫 原油的溢价也随着柴油需求的萎缩而降低。