He just relies on bluff and putting on a show with his bright ideas and his swank !
屠维岳的 法宝就是说 大话, 像 煞有介事,满嘴的有 办法,有 把握!
DO : Highlight the natural color of your lips with a sheer gloss ( as seen on Halle Berry and Hilary Swank ) that has a slight beige or bronze pigment .
用浅米色或古铜色的透明唇膏来点亮你自然的唇色,哈里·瑞和 希拉里·万克 就是 这样。
Homeport : In the middle of Gangnam Seoul 's finance center is the swank ultramodern Park Hyatt Seoul .
在 首尔的金融中心江南区的中部,是超现代化的首尔柏悦饭店。
In high school Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank was an excellent athlete .
? ?奥斯卡奖得主希拉里 - 斯万克在读高中时是一位优秀的运动员。
In1999 Swank was chosen for Boys Don 't Cry and the month she spent living as a boy ( as her own fictional brother James ) before the filming paid off .
1999年, 斯万卡被选中 饰演 《男孩不哭 》。在电影开拍前的一个月,她像男孩一样生活了一个月(想象她是自己的兄弟,詹姆斯),电影开拍后获得了成功。
Off-screen Swank and actor Chad Lowe got married in1997 .
荧屏下, 她与演员查德于1997年结婚。
The next six months during which Expo will host up to 100m people 95 per cent of them from China will give Shanghai the chance to demonstrate whether there is substance behind the swank .
未来6个月,世博会将接待多达1亿人,其中95%来自中国。这将给上海一个机会,展示这 场 风光背后是否有 真材实料。
Hilary Swank won the Oscar Award for best actress .
希拉里 ? 斯万克获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖项。
Nor is it the swank corporate headquarters the four-month maternity leave or an obsessive devotion to philanthropy .
针对此次 榜单, 卓越工作 场所研究 院( Great Place to WorkInstitute,负责员工调查)共从这家公司收集了62页超过40000字未经过滤的员工意见,并经过《财富》杂志审核。
It was Swank 's judgment that he had become irrelevant .
At least it is to David Carter a renowned English designer who recently turned his Queen Anne townhouse into a swank boutique hotel in the heart of London .
至少它对于大卫卡特是这样的,著名的英国设计师,他最近在伦敦市中心的精品酒店 炫耀他的安妮女王 排屋。
Swank is also an athlete .
Transformation is all part of the job as far as Hilary Swank is concerned .
对于希拉里。 斯万克而言,转变 形象 是 她 一直都在做的 事情。
I have always been against swanking about all the things I have been lucky enough to win .
我一向不 喜欢 和 别人 炫耀 自己 因为幸运而取得的那些成就。
New investors include Sam Zell the Chicago financier actress Hillary Swank and herb Simon the shopping mall magnate .
新投资者包括芝加哥金融家山姆•泽尔、演员 希拉里•斯万克和购物中心大亨赫伯•西蒙。
They 've got a down on arrogance and swank .
他 最 讨厌自高自大和 虚张声势。
Hilary Swank has done movie characters based on real people before ; but the actress found playing Amelia especially challenging .
希拉蕊之前就曾 饰演真人的角色;但这位女星发觉演“ 阿米莉亚”特别具挑战性。
In spite of all his swank he 's never really achieved very much .
虽然他 派头 摆得很大, 可实际上从未获得多大成就。
Hilary Swank plays Maggie in Million Dollar Baby .
布拉里 ? 斯万克在 《百万宝贝 》中扮演麦琪。
Just because you won there 's no need to swank .
就算你赢了也 投 什么 可 炫耀的。
Hilary Swank won an Oscar for best actress in a leading role for boys don 't cry in2000 and Golden Globe for best performance by an actress in a motion picture drama in the same year and for the same movie .
希拉里斯万卡在影片《男孩不哭 》 中 饰演主角获得了2000年奥斯卡最佳女主角,而且,同年同部影片获得了金球奖剧情片最佳女主角。
People around here don 't Swank about their money .
这里的人从不 炫耀自己有钱。
v.劳动( swink的过去式 )做苦工使劳累使工作过度