swarm into

[swɔrm ˈɪntu][swɔ:m ˈɪntuː]


  • This move awaked the market and US dollars were then thought to be credible . So capitals on the market began to swarm into US government for its bond bringing about the rise of USDX .

    这一做法让市场产生了“记忆”,市场开始认为美元信用是“可置信”的,于是市场资金开始 扑向美国政府信用的债券,并拉升美元指数。

  • With the new period since modern western literary thoughts swarm into modernism and postmodernism come in a throng attracted many writers of the eyeball many writers discarded the traditional realism indulging in western new skills and techniques of attempt and exploration .

    随着新时期以来西方现代文艺思潮的 涌入,现代主义与后现代主义纷至沓来,吸引了众多作家的眼球。很多作家丢弃了传统的现实主义手法,醉心于西方新鲜手法与技巧的尝试与探索。

  • Every morning its people swarm into the offices and factories of America seeking a day 's work for a day 's pay .

    每天早晨,他的员工 涌入美国的公司(办公机构)和工厂,来寻找可以每天结算的临时性工作。

  • With the development of social economy and cultures a number of people continuously swarm into cities . The growing city scale and increasing city number are the inevitable outcomes of social history .

    随着社会经济及文化等各方面加速发展,大量人口纷纷 涌向城市,城市规模日益扩大及数量不断增多已是历史进程的必然。

  • Nowadays because of various factors more and more corporations swarm into the incorporative tideway so the technology of middleware becomes more important .

    目前由于多方面的因素,越来越多的企业 涌入了合并的潮流,中间件技术显得越发重要。

  • Foreign Flights Swarm Into Shanghai

    洋航班 云集上海 空港

  • People crazily swarm into the supermarket to go shopping in order to overcome their fear of death drive their loneliness away gain safety and security .

    为了克服对死亡的恐惧、驱赶内心的孤独、获得安全感,人们疯狂地 涌向超市购物。

  • The research shows that long distance relief gas does not swarm into the working face in protective coal seam but the permeability of protected coal seam increases thousands of times because of mining long distance nether protective coal seam .

    研究表明:远距离下保护层开采后,远程卸压瓦斯基本上不会 保护层回采工作面,但被保护煤层的透气性系数得到数千倍的增大。

  • After China joined WTO many foreign banks swarm into china which make all commercial banks put their emphasis on the scramble of intermediate businesses which have rich profits in order to get much space for development .

    中国加入WTO后外资银行的 涌入,使得所有商业银行都将重点放到了利润丰厚的中间业务争夺上,以求得更大的发展空间。

  • Wizard Vampire Zombie Bat * all kinds of ghosts and phantom will swarm into the party .

    巫师、吸血、僵尸、蝙蝠等等,各路妖魔鬼怪将 云集 整场晚会。

  • The rapid increase of new employees who swarm into the company that I practiced in different period overweighs the difficult of employee 's training and company 's cost .

    笔者实习所在的公司,由于新员工的增加, 加之不同的员工在不同的时期 进入公司,这就增大了员工培训的难度和成本。

  • With the west development and the opening to capital from overseas in finance fields much finance institutions such as fund 、 insurance company and foreign bank swarm into xi'an and this make the competition in finance field much more furrier .

    我国加入WTO后,随着金融行业的进一步对外开放以及西部大开发的实施,大量基金、保险等金融机构以及外资银行纷纷 进驻西安,使得本地区的金融行业竞争日趋激烈。

  • It is estimated that urbanization degree in China will reach 45 % and 60 % in 2010 and the mid-21st century i.e. half of the rural persons will swarm into urban area .

    据预计,到2010年和本世纪中叶,我国城市化水平将分别达到45%和65%,有一半的农村人口将 进入城市。

  • In the course of reforms lots of peasants swarm into the city and become the mobile peasants .

    随着改革开放的进程,大量农民 涌向大中城市,成为既不是务农人口,又不是城市人口的流动农民。

  • Many students swarm into the canteen after class .

    放学后,很多学生 拥进食堂。

  • Over-entry to an industry means that too many enterprises swarm into a profitable industry which leads to excessive capacity and low efficiency in the industry .

    产业过度进入是指具有较大盈利潜力的行业吸引众多企业 蜂拥 而入造成产业经营能力过剩和效益低下。

  • Various enterprises swarm into the world top 500 evaluating and selecting of strategic industries comprehensive evaluation has become the focus of the international competitiveness of enterprises .

    各个企业纷纷 世界500强 涌入,评价和筛选战略性产业,对产业竞争力进行综合评价,已成为企业国际竞争的焦点。

  • With the development of security market-oriented reform and standardization the security market degree and the market transparency go higher the entering doorsill lowers and lots of new competitors swarm into market . So security market competition is becoming more intensified .

    随着证券市场改革的推进和规范化发展进程的加快,证券市场化程度不断提高,市场透明度增强,证券行业进入门槛降低,新的克争者大量 涌入,市场竞争进一步激化。

  • With the entry of China into WTO foreign competitor swarm into domestic money market .

    随着中国加入WTO,国外的竞争者 涌入中国金融市场。

  • People swarm into the houses of local tyrants and evil gentry who are against the peasant association slaughter their pigs and consume their grain .

    反对农会的土豪劣绅的家里, 一群 进去,杀猪出谷。

  • For a mass of foreign investors and capital will swarm into the emerging stock markets after its opening how to prevent excessive speculation became a critical task to these countries .

    证券市场开放后,外国投资者和外国资本大量 涌入,如何防止市场过度投机和过度波动己成为新兴市场国家(地区)政府面临的艰难课题。

  • Entrance into WTO China further falls tariffs and eliminate quantitative restriction measures such as import quota and import license so it is unavoidable for foreign commodities and service to swarm into our markets .

    我国加入WTO以后进一步降低关税,消除诸如进口配额、进口许可证等数量限制措施,外国商品和服务的大量 涌入 不可避免。

  • The Channel Tunnel enables the Gauls to swarm into england which many Englishmen think may threaten the purity of their culture .

    英伦海峡海底隧道方便了法国人 涌进英国。对此,许多英国人担心这会威胁到他们文化的纯粹性。

  • With the deepening of reform and the development of the market economy the great deals of surplus labor in countryside swarm into the city and come into being the enormous farmer-worker group .

    随着我国改革的深入和市场经济的发展,农村剩余劳动力大量 涌向城市,形成庞大的农民工队伍。

  • That are supposed to swarm into butterflies on the wedding day .

    它们本该在婚礼那天 破茧成蝶的。

  • After entering the WTO many foreign banks swarm into mainland which induces both opportunity and challenge for Chinese commercial banks .

    加入WTO后,外资银行 开始逐渐 进入中国,给中资银行 发展中间业务方面带来了机遇,同时也带来了挑战。

  • All types of enterprises swarm into logistics market like : many traditional storage and transportation companies change into the third-party logistics lots of company logistics participate in society logistics a great deal private joint-stock joint-venture logistics also take part in the arena .

    各类企业 纷纷 抢滩物流市场:原有的仓储、运输企业中不少改制为第三方物流企业,众多企业物流参与社会物流,大量私营、民营、股份制、中外合资物流企业与日剧增。

  • With the Chinese Reform and Opening-up as well as the gradual establishment and development of socialist market economic system more and more rural residents swarm into the developed cities for ' job opportunities ' one prominent character of that is the migration of the whole family .

    随着改革开放与社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立与发展,越来越多的农村居民 涌入比较发达的城市打工,而这其中的一个突出特点就是家庭化的整体迁移。