Labour expected to sweep in this time but in fact they lost votes .
工党 这次期待能够 顺利 上台,但事实上却失去了许多选票。
The sweep time should be significantly shorter than the mark times .
扫描 时间应该比标记时间短得多。
The insurance subrogation looks from the secured angle the insurance industry acquired recompense sweep for the assured risk also helped assurer at the same time .
保险代位求偿权从保险的角度看,保险业为被保险人获得赔偿 扫除了风险, 同时也成全了保险人。
Today English new words sweep in at a rate much faster than at any other historical period of time .
当今英语新词 汇 层出不穷,其增长速度快于以往任何一个 时期。
As you increase the heap size on a consistent workload the mark and sweep phases will continue to take approximately the same length of time .
当您增加统一工作负载上的堆大小时,标记和 清扫阶段将继续花费大致相同的 时间 完成操作。
The disease can sweep through whole populations in a very short time .
这种病可以在很短的 时间 里在全体人口中 流行 开来。
For the measurement of transmission loss of silencer with flow the rapid sine sweep and sync time averaging techniques are used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and improve the measurement accuracy .
在有流情况下,应用快速正弦 扫 频和同步 时域平均技术以提高信噪比,改善测量结果的精度。
When the mobility ratio is equal one the sweep efficiency is 71 % at the time of breaking of water flooding front . The error compared with the result of Muskat is only 1 % .
计算得到当流度比为1时,水驱前缘突破 时刻 的 波及系数为71%,与Muskat的实验结果误差仅为1%。
The disease spreads easily person-to-person causes serious illness and can sweep across the country and around the world in a very short time .
而且人与人之间容易播散,引起严重疾病,在短 时间 内 席卷全国甚至全世界。
As well has being the first finals series sweep in Lakers history 2002 marked the Lakers completion of a historic'three-peat'for the first time in franchise history .
本年度湖人历史出现了首次在总决赛 横扫对手的表演,02年也标志着球队历史上那具有重大历史意义的 首次三连冠。
Sweep frequency rectangular power supply is developed to replace traditional power supply . Frequency sweep operation mode is used to substitute traditional voltage-scanning operation mode and mass spectrograms with new operation mode are attained for the first time .
研制频率扫描矩形波电源并用其替换传统四极质谱仪电源,使用矩形波频率 扫描的工作方式替代了传统正弦波电压扫描的工作方式, 首次获得了新型工作方式下的四极质谱图。
With the sweep frequency input signal the experiment is accomplished in time and gives the results of nature frequency and damp rate changing at the direction of 30 y node and displays response graph of the controlled modal before and after controlling .
通过 扫频激励进行了 实时控制实验,给出了控制前后节点30y方向的固有频率和阻尼比的变化情况及控制某一阶模态时被控模态响应曲线。
The signal average method was used in order to increase the S / N ratio and the optimum sweep time and average times were experimentally determined .
为了提高信噪比,采用了信号平均技术,并通过实验确定了最佳 采样 时间和平均次数。
Phase Sweep Space - Time Bit Interleave Coded Modulation
扫相空 时比特交织编码调制
Results of dynamic frequency sweep undergoing different heating treatment time and dynamic time sweep approved previous postulation .
经过不同 时间热处理后的ω扫描以及动念间 扫描的结果证实了这种结构的存在。
All the conventional vibrators use the sweep signal of which the instantaneous frequency shows linear change with time .
常规可控震源都是采用瞬时频率随 时间线性变化的 扫描信号。
A zero dimensional mathematical model of chemical solution flow through porous media with adsorption is presented it 's solution ( variation of sweep areal versus time etc. ) has theoretical and practical significance for evaluating and predicting chemical flooding .
本文给出了化学溶液在多孔介质中渗流、吸附零维数学模型,所求得的解( 波及面积随 时间的变化规律等)对评价、预测化学溶液驱油,有理论和实际意义。
At last based on the data structure of AVL used for moving objects spatio-temporal topological analysis algorithms are specified which makes the use of the concept of Realms and ROSE algebra and is implemented by integrating Plane Sweep algorithm with the factor of time interval .
最后基于Realms概念和ROSE代数,根据时空数据库中移动空间对象存储的平衡二叉树的数据结构,用平面 扫描算法结合 时间域的方法实现了具体的时空拓扑分析算法,并进行了时间复杂性讨论。
In August 2007 the subprime mortgage crisis sweep all the major financial markets of the world including America Europe Japan financial markets and followed by global inflation many countries alarming the signal of inflation during this time .
2007年8月次贷危机 席卷美国、欧盟和日本等世界主要金融市场,与之相伴的是全球性通货膨胀, 期间各国纷纷拉响通货膨胀警报。
Sweep away the dust of history years of blooming alone Yangshuo folk culture is waiting for you to unique across time and space date with her .
拨开历史的尘埃,多年来独自绽放的阳朔民俗文化,正等着与众不同的你来与她进行穿越 时空的约会。
The temporal characteristics of the X-ray streak camera such as sweep speed and temporal resolution were calibrated for the first time on the 20 TW laser facility at High Power Laser and Physics Joint Laboratory in Shanghai .
在上海激光联合实验室的20TW激光器上对X光条纹相机的 扫速、时间分辨等 时间性能进行了标定,取得了较好的结果。
美[swip taɪm]英[swi:p taim]