abbr.southwest 西南southwestern 向西南的

  • Objective : To study anti inflammatory analgesic and anti immune actions of Shanwu concentrated decoction ( SW ) .

    目的:研究三 胶的抗炎、镇痛、抗免疫作用。

  • Upgrade of Connection Manager via sw installation is not possible .

    升级的连接管理器通过 瑞士 法郎安装是不可能的。

  • Using a voltmeter measure fused ign SW output at JB 12-way int conn ( cav 6 ) .

    用伏特表测量 JB12路内部接头(CAV6)处的熔断点火装置 开关输出。

  • There is a low-power SW broadcasting center near this Russian city ; now it is off the air .

    在这个城市附近有一个已经停机的小功率 短波发送中心。这个城市是?

  • A member of a Dravidian people living on the SW coast of India .

    居住在南亚次大陆 西南海岸线的德拉威人民族。

  • Stabilize SW quality agilely and prevent baseline quality from regression .

    灵活地稳定 软件的质量,防止基线的质量恶化;

  • SW : Please reconsider what I have suggested .


  • SW : Why did you choose not to direct Empire ?

    为什么你选择不做《帝国 反击战》的导演?

  • Client SW drivers install can be correctly installed when connected via a USB direct connect .

    客户端 SW驱动程序的安装,才能正确安装,当通过USB直接连接连接。

  • Troubleshooting of HW and SW issue .

    发现并解决硬件或 软件问题。

  • A lodge used by nomadic American indians in the SW US .

    位于美国 西南 的游牧的印第安人搭建的小屋。

  • It was related with the genesis and development of the SW monsoon surge over the Bay of Bengal .

    它是与孟加拉湾 西南季风潮发生发展相联系的。

  • Market Promotion and Sales of Material Testing Instrument in SW Region .

    材料测试仪器在 西南地区的市场推广与销售;

  • A member of the Japanese people living on the Ryukyu islands SW of Japan .

    一个居住在日本 西南琉球群岛的日本民族成员。

  • Furthermore many active members of this sw army system are not individual human intelligences ;

    不仅如此,在这个 群集性的系统中,很多活跃的成员根本就不人类个体的智能;

  • SW : I will be telephoning soon .


  • Eg : A5.3-magnitude earthquake hit SW China yesterday .

    昨天,5.3级地震袭击了中国 西南 地区

  • Three species : C and SW Asia ; one species in China .

    种:亚洲中部和 西南 在中国的一种。

  • A member of the North American Indian people ( related to the Aztecs ) of the SW US .


  • A native or inhabitant of the West Indies . a member of the Japanese people living on the Ryukyu islands SW of Japan .

    西印度群岛上的本地人或居民。一个居住在日本 西南琉球群岛的日本民族成员。

  • SW : Surely they will refer to your various achievements and your spirituality .

    当然是记录你各种的贡献和 灵性成就。

  • In this article the author analyses the primary construct and structure of SW CMM and explains ISO9000 s overlap with the Software Engineering Institute ( SEI ) 's Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ) .

    首先阐述了软件能力成熟度模型( CMM)的起因和发展,然后介绍了CMM的理论基础和核心思想,以及融合技术的意义。

  • You can also turn indentation on and set the indentation level in one command by using : set ai sw = 4 .

    还可以使用:setai sw=4在一个命令中打开缩进并设置缩进级别。

  • Project leader of software intensive HW / SW integration projects .

    在软件为主的软 硬件综合项目中 作为 软件项目经理。

  • Methods of measurement for broadcasting transmitters used in MW or SW band

    GB/T9377-1988中波和 短波广播发射机测量方法

  • Influence of physical processes and resolution of MM 4 on mesoscale simulation of the evolution of the SW vortex

    物理过程和分辨率对 西南涡演变的中尺度模拟影响

  • Band spread system enables you to easily tune in SW stations .

    波段扩展系统,可让您较容易调谐 SW电台。

  • Performance requirement for SW SSB station of ship .

    长江船用 短波单边带电台性能要求。