swear out

[swɛr aʊt][swɛə aut]


  • I 'm going to swear out a warrant for your arrest .

    我会 你去 监狱。

  • If a man vow a vow unto the LORD or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond ; he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth .

    人若向耶和华许愿或 起誓,要约束自己,就不可食言,必要按口中所 的一切话行。

  • I swear it is no exaggeration that tobacco had completely wiped out my sense of taste .


  • I swear to God . I 'll throw you out of this house and never look at you again !

    我向上帝 发誓。我会把你 这个房子,永远不会再望你一眼。

  • Pausing only to employ a few of Uncle Vernon 's choicest swear words he staggered back into the kitchen clutching his head and staring out of the window into the back garden .

    他顿了顿,用弗农姨父最喜欢的 粗话 了几句,然后跌跌撞撞地走回厨房,手捂着脑袋,朝 窗外的后花园望去。

  • I swear as you walked out that door you came in this one .

    发誓,你 走出那道门的同时,就从这边进来。

  • But while some people swear by these tools scientists caution that the claims they make and the advice they dole out to users may not be very sound .

    尽管一些人 认可这些软件时,科学家却提醒说这些软件给使用者的承诺和建议或许没有说得那么好。

  • Or I swear I will have your family eating dog food out of a can .

    否则我 发誓会让你的全家吃一辈子狗粮。

  • I swear to god I wiII beat the shit out of you .

    我对天 发誓我会把你打得 屁滚尿流

  • Colonel Frank Fitts : I swear to God I will throw you out of the house and never look at you again .

    弗兰克:我向上帝 发誓,我将把你 赶出家门,永远不再见你。

  • I didn 't take anything . I swear I said taking everything out of my pockets and bag .

    发誓什么也没拿,我说着把自己兜儿里和袋子里的东西全 出来

  • I swear to you it was born out of purely creative reasons .


  • I swear when we hand out my killer cupcakes .


  • I swear that I would never let the secret out .
