supreme law

[sʊˈprim lɔ][sju:ˈpri:m lɔ:]

[法] 最高法律

  • On the conflicts of international treaty and domestic law our country thinks the treaty is supreme to domestic law .

    在解决条约与国内法之间的冲突问题上,我国在这方面的实践所采取的是条约 一律 优于国内 原则

  • The lack of authority of law has become the biggest obstacle in the course of legalization in China and the present situation of authority of law in China requires that we should take effective measures to establish the supreme authority of law .

    法律缺乏至上权威是影响中国走向法治之路的最大障碍,我国法律权威的现状要求我们采取切实措施确立 法律 至上权威。

  • What is the supreme law of the United States ?

    美国的 最高 法律是什麽?

  • Human safety is the supreme law .

    人的安全乃是 至高无上 法律

  • The basic law guarantee for constructing a harmonious society is to put up the supreme authoritativeness of the law further improve the legal system administer by law establish the just administration and build up and strengthen social credit system in the future .

    树立 法律 最高权威性,进一步完善法律制度、依法行政、公正司法、建立健全社会信用制度是构建社会主义和谐社会的根本法律保障。

  • The development and evolvement of law is to standardize the value system or supreme law revealed by philosophy .

    法律的发展演进则是对哲学所揭橥的虚灵超越的价值系统或“ 最高 ”的不断定在化。

  • Thus also day by day we write our own destiny for inexorably we become what we do . This I believe is the supreme logic and the law of life .

    这样,日复一日,我们谱写着我们的命运,我们就必然会成为我们做事的那个样子。这个,我相信,就是 最高逻辑和生命的 法则

  • The safety of the people is the supreme law .

    人民之安宁乃 最高法律

  • The good law channel and the supreme status of law .

    法治渠道的畅通与 法律 利维坦

  • In the United States international treaties present at least four distinctive forms and Article VI section II of the US Constitution adopts them wholesale as the supreme law of the land ;

    首先,《美国宪法》第六条第二款将在国内至少表现为四种不同形式的国际条约作为整体一揽子采纳为全国 最高 法律

  • The object of philosophy is the supreme law or natural law .

    哲学的对象是作为“ 宇宙 万物 最高 统治 力量”的“ 最高 ”或自然法;

  • Establishing authority of law is the pre-requisite of development of human society and transition of authority and the rule of law equals to the supreme authority of law .

    树立法律权威是人类社会发展、权威转型的必然要求,实行法治就必须要树立 法律 至上权威。

  • But last week the United States Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement officials must get approval from a judge before placing a GPS device on a vehicle .

    但上周美国 最高法院裁定, 执法人员在车辆上安置GPS设备前必须获得法官批准。

  • The emergence and development of philosophy is to search for the supreme law in symbol of fate logic good and etc.

    哲学的产生和发展是借着“命运”、“始基”、“逻格斯”、“善本身”等范畴符号在探求“ 最高 ”;

  • But in 1935 the Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional .

    可是到了1935年, 最高法院判决此 法律为违宪。

  • And all Treaties made or which shall be made under the Authority of the United States shall be the supreme Law of the Land ;

    以及合众国已经缔结及将要缔结的一切条约,皆为全国之 最高 法律

  • Intrastate as well as interstate commerce . State constitutions are the supreme law within the state .

    州内的和州际的贸易。州宪法是州的 最高 法律

  • State constitutions are the supreme law within the state .

    州宪法是州的 最高 法律

  • The most important step of building modern legal society is to set up the supreme authority of law in society . Law must be believed or else it is nothing .

    现代法治社会最重要的环节就是树立 法律在社会生活中 至高无上的权威,法律必须被信仰,否则形同虚设。

  • The Formal Logic itself confirms this assumption by laying down the supreme law of thought ( so-called ) which has been discussed above .

    在提出我们上面曾讨论过的(所谓)思维的 最高 规律时,形式逻辑却正好确认了这一前提。

  • Compared with the rapidly developing society the authority of law especially the requirement of stability of supreme law resulted that the Constitution fell behind . Therefore Constitution needs to be perfect in pace with the changing times and leads the society to a further growth .

    相较于急速发展的社会,法律的权威性尤其是 最高 的稳定性需求致使宪法存在一定的社会滞后性。因此,宪法必须随着时代变迁而不断完善自身,并通过完善来引导社会的进一步发展。

  • Human security is the supreme law the immortal motto of Hobbes reflects the value of the security clearly . The premier condition of human survival is their ensured security .

    霍布斯的不朽格言人的安全乃是 至高无上 法律清晰地反映出安全的价值,人的生存最基本的条件就是安全得到保障。

  • In the many performance forms Constitution is the basic or supreme law . Therefore from a fundamental point of view the rule of law refers to the rule by constitution in the first place .

    在法的多种表现形式中,宪法居于根本法或 最高 的地位。因此,从根本上而言,法治指的首先是宪治,或以宪治国。

  • However in a constitutional society like America the highlight of such anti-corruption maneuvers lies in the supreme law & the Constitution .

    然而,像美国这样的宪政国家,反腐举措的重点在于 最高 法律:宪法。

  • The supreme idea of economic law is substantial fairness and justice .

    而经济 最高理念在于实质公平正义。

  • This I believe is the supreme logic and the law of life .

    我相信这就是 最高的逻辑及人生的 法则

  • This I believe is the supreme logic an the law of life .

    我坚信,这就是人生的 最高逻辑和 法则

  • There are a lot of problems in the explanation of the supreme court of law for double contracts and will lead to deconstructive result in utilization .

    最高法院关于“黑白合同” 效力的司法解释存在诸多问题,适用过程中可能引起灾难性后果。

  • Or even that her life had some special meaning like they named a park after her or a street or that the Supreme Court changed a law because of her .

    或者说她的生命有什么特别的意义,然后有个公园啦马路什么的以她的名字命名,或者 高级法院为她修正了一条 法案啥的。

  • Constitution often means the fundamental law or the supreme law of the country .

    宪法通常指的是国家的根本法或者 最高 法律