


  • The susceptibility of plants to such infections is the result of many factors .

    植物对于这种侵染的 敏感 程度是多种因素作用的结果。

  • Less revolutionary'replacement'technologies for smear culture and drug susceptibility testing .

    在涂片、培养和药物 敏感性检测方面的改革力度不大的“替代”技术。

  • What mechanisms might link sleep to cold susceptibility ?

    什么机理导致了睡眠和患感冒的 几率

  • To evaluate drug susceptibility the bacteria need to be cultivated and tested in a suitable laboratory .

    要评价药物 敏感性,必须在合适的实验室对细菌进行培养和检测。

  • Previous studies have shown that a single gene controls resistance and susceptibility to TB in mice .

    此前的研究已经表明,有一个基因控制着小鼠对于结核病的抗性和 易感性

  • Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and susceptibility to targeted therapy in lung cancer .

    肺癌中表皮生长因子受体的突变及对靶向治疗的 敏感性

  • Conclusion HSP701 gene polymorphism may be one of genetic susceptibility factors of coronary heart disease .

    研究冠心病患者与 HSP701基因多态性的相关性本课题进行了初步探索。

  • Of the21 enterobacteriaceae pathogen susceptibility results showed that the majority of commonly used antibiotics are more serious resistance .

    对该21株肠杆菌科病原菌的 结果显示,对大部分常用抗生素均有较严重的耐药。

  • Might some infectious diseases run in families because one inherits susceptibility to them ?

    遗传了一些感染性疾病的 易感性后是否会使疾病在家族中传播呢?

  • Both factors contribute to the malnourishment and disease susceptibility of3.7 billion people he says .


  • I am well aware that in saying this I shall outrage a few susceptibilities .

    我十分清楚这样说会戳到一些人的 痛处

  • In this paper the fundamental concept of geological disaster susceptibility hazard vulnerability and risk are expounded .

    论述了地质灾害 性、危险性、易损性和风险性的基本概念。

  • Breast cancer exhibits familial aggregation consistent with variation in genetic susceptibility to the disease .

    乳腺癌有着明显的家族聚集性,这与该病遗传 易感性的变异是一致的。

  • Intensive breeding programmes resulting in near clonal crops may result in loss of biodiversity and susceptibility to disease .

    大量育种程序造成了关系亲密的纯系作物,因此可能导致生物多样性的损失和植物对疾病的 敏感性

  • Quantitative calculation of the magnetic susceptibility and the Verdet constant in the paramagnetic medium cef_3 .

    顺磁性物质cef3中 磁化 和费尔德常数的定量计算。

  • The Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility or CGEMS is collaboration between National Cancer Institute and Harvard .

    肿瘤 易感性基因标志物项目或简称CGEMS是国家肿瘤研究所和哈佛大学的一个合作项目。

  • The changes can affect gene activity including susceptibility to diseases .

    这种变化将影响基因的活性,包括对疾病的 易感性

  • Results The susceptibility results of doxycycline and minocycline were better in curing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection ;

    结果多西环素、米诺环素对嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌的 结果较好;

  • The agency uses three concepts : economic and institutional strength government financial strength and susceptibility to event risk .

    穆迪依据三方面因素:经济基本面和公共机构力量,政府的财政实力和对风险事件的 敏感

  • A new study in rats suggests a link between personality and cancer susceptibility .

    对大鼠的一项新研究暗示,个性与癌症 易感性间有关联。

  • The effect of electron-lattice coupling on the nonlinear susceptibility is explained .

    说明了电子-晶格耦合对非线性 极化的影响。

  • Objective : To understand the situation of genotype and the result of drug susceptibility of Candida albicans isolated .

    目的:了解白色念珠菌的基因分型情况以及不同基因型白色念珠菌的药 试验结果。

  • The changes of susceptibility to deltamethrin were correlated with the selection pressure .

    家蝇对溴氰菊酯的 敏感性变化与药剂中溴氰菊酯的选择压有关。

  • The development of HBV-related hepatic cirrhosis is associated with not only environmental and viral factors but also hereditary susceptibility .

    乙肝后肝硬化的发生不仅与环境因素和病毒因素有关,还与 个体的遗传 易感性密切相关。

  • It is very important to analyze the landslide susceptibility for hazard evaluation and prediction .

    滑坡 敏感性分析对灾害评价和预测具有重要的作用。

  • Asthmatics have an increased susceptibility to viral illnesses .

    气喘病人对病毒性病变的 敏感性增加了。

  • Objective To investigate the pathogenesis of the susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases in patients with psoriasis .

    目的研究银屑病患者 心血管病的发病机理。

  • Finally the effects of host plant on insecticide susceptibility applied in pest management were discussed .

    最后,就寄主植物影响害虫对药剂 敏感性在害虫治理中的应用作了探讨。

  • Furthermore the results support a model in which the pathogen induces disease susceptibility in a gene-for-gene manner .

    另外,这些结果还支持了病原菌引起 的基因对基因模型。

  • Susceptibility to heat damage is influenced by genetically controlled factors .

    对热害的 敏感性则受遗传所控制的因素的影响。