


  • Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts Chen Li expresses his feelings about the objects around him by an abstract high-hearted or surrealist metaphor and association of ideas .

    毕业于著名的中央美术学院, 陈李的作品则以抽象清高的隐喻、 现实 主义的隐喻及联想来表达他所感知的周遭事物。

  • The article summed up by the specific analysis of contemporary Chinese artists Chinese contemporary young artists use the surrealist technique of expression and their personal life experience emotional life thinking about life expressed .

    文章通过对中国当代艺术家作品的具体分析,总结出中国当代的青年艺术家运用了 现实 主义的表现手法,将他们个人的生活体验、生活中的情绪、对人生的思考表达出来。

  • With Cheng Yajie we are confronted with a certain sense of mystery reminiscent of the Surrealist pronouncement .

    程亚杰的创作里,我们体验了近似超 现实 主义所散发的神秘感。

  • Natural ultra-realistic illustrations also have the same characteristics of surrealist painting .

    自然,超 现实 主义插画也同样的具备了 现实 主义绘画的特性。

  • Chapter ⅱ described the 85New Wave of artists in the Surrealist factors .

    第二章,阐述了85新潮时期中国艺术家作品中的 现实 主义因素。

  • In surrealist thinking the liminal has been seen as the threshold stage between waking and dream or the conscious and subliminal states of awareness .

    现实 主义的想象中,阈限被视为在清醒和梦境之间,或清醒状态下意识与潜意识之间的开始阶段。

  • Looking exactly like the soft melting pocket watch from well-known surrealist painting it will be an excellent gift idea !

    它看上去像极了 现实 主义绘画中那个融化的怀表,可以 用作送人的佳品。

  • He offers simply a surrealist world located between reality and memory .

    他只是给出了一个 现实与记忆之间的 现实 主义的世界。

  • The Analysis of Surrealist of the after 80 Chinese Art

    中国80后艺术中的 现实 主义 成分解析

  • Mir drew on memory fantasy and the irrational to create works of art that are visual analogues of Surrealist poetry .

    米罗藉由记忆,想像,还有非理性的激发,创造了与 现实 主义类似的视觉效果。

  • Proust featured the painting in his surrealist novel Remembrance of Things Past .

    现实 主义小说《追忆 逝水年华》中,普鲁斯特突出介绍了这幅画。

  • These are Viktor and Rolf Surrealist Gowns that 's what I call haute couture craziness .

    这种款式叫做“维克多和罗 尔佛 现实礼服“,我将它叫作”流行女装的疯狂“。

  • For years I have been arguing that airports should have meditation rooms rather than caviar emporiums and car showrooms but I felt more like a surrealist dreamer than a sober policymaker .

    多年以来,我一直在探讨应该在机场设立冥想室,取代鱼子酱商店和汽车展示厅,但我感觉自己更象是 现实 主义的梦想家,而非清醒冷静的决策者。

  • He moved to Paris in1920 where under the influence of Surrealist poets and writers he evolved his mature style .

    他在1920年搬到巴黎,在巴黎,他受到 现实 主义的作家以及诗人的影响,发展出自己的成熟风格。

  • The lexicon of surrealist art .

    现实 主义艺术的词汇。

  • Much art touches on the absurdity of a situation surrealist and dada in essence ;

    许多艺术品都触及某种状态的荒谬性, 现实 主义和达达 主义的本质;

  • This thesis probes into the irony of continuity haunting in The Continuous Life a collection of poetry by Mark Strand the renowned American Surrealist .

    本论文集中探讨了美国 当代 现实 主义 诗人 马克·斯特兰德的诗集《连续的生命》中的连续性 讽喻

  • Fantastic incredible and sometimes frightening shapes a world configurated by a mad god & and sometimes a world also of strange surrealist beauty .

    那些奇形怪状、不可思议有时甚至吓人的形象,好象是个封神捏就的世界&有时却又是个 现实 主义 奇美的世界。

  • Max Klingers impact on modern art examines Klinger 's pivotal role and for the first time documents his influence on many leading Symbolist Surrealist Naturalist and Art Nouveau artists .

    他的全尺寸巨作《爱》,是对现代艺术的碰撞,展示他在象征主义、 现实 主义、自然主义和新艺术 主义等的领军地位。

  • In1920s surrealist movement brought the poetic revolution in the French literary circles .

    20世纪20年代, 现实 主义运动引发了法兰西文坛的诗学革命。

  • As Zu graphically manipulates the connection to reality by skewing the representational capacity of the photograph into abstract expression to consequently forge a surrealist production ;

    作者把照片当作图像以塑造它与现实之间的关系,扭曲真实的空间,形成抽象的表达,由此炼成一件 现实 主义制作。

  • Increasingly rich shooting means that people can play a rich imagination follow your heart feel shooting surrealist image .

    日益丰富的拍摄手段使人们可以发挥丰富的想象力,遵从内心的感受拍摄 出超 现实 主义的影像。

  • Bailey has a lot of sculptures all surrealist African-looking ones but this one stands out among the collection mostly due to his personality says Bailey .

    贝利藏有很多雕塑,多数是非洲风格的 现实 主义作品。但这一件与众不同,多半是由于自己的个性,贝利说。

  • Surrealist painting philosophy based on the concept of surrealist painting and features explained .

    现实 主义绘画的哲学依据,对超现实主义绘画概念及特点进行说明。

  • However the creation method of sincere painting character works of both realism in depicting things and surrealist dream analytic method to complete the works .

    但是,作品兼具现实主义在描绘事物上 拥有的真诚 质朴的绘画品格和 现实 主义 以梦幻解析的手段来完成作品的创作方法。

  • Freud 's theory of the subconscious had a profound influence on the surrealist movement .

    弗洛伊德关于潜意识的理论对 现实 主义运动有深远影响。

  • If the last glory of modem art is the abstract expressionist painting then pop art and surrealist painting anticipates the transformation of contemporary art .

    摘要如果说抽象表现主义绘画是现代艺术最后的辉煌,那么,波普艺术和 超级 写实主义绘画则预示着当代艺术的转型。

  • Dali was perhaps the most well-known surrealist painter .

    达利也许是最著名的 现实 主义画家。

  • Perspective used in Ma Yongqiang 's works reminds me of the surrealist artist Dali who in some works used the means by unique perspective point of view to present objects .

    马永强在作品中对透视的运用,让我想起 现实 主义艺术家达利在某些作品中,以独特的透视角度呈现对象的手段。