


  • They had several surreptitious conversations .

    他们有过几 秘密会谈。

  • We always assumed it was nerves or a surreptitious attempt to glance at their wristwatch .

    通常出现这种情况时,我们会有两种假设:他 可能很紧张,或者只是想 偷偷地看表。

  • Had we been accompanied by my father the loud harassment would have been replaced with more surreptitious gestures .

    有的 时候,如果父亲和我们一起,这些大声的骚扰 会转变为 鬼鬼祟祟的手势。

  • He made a surreptitious entrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall

    他从砖墙的 小门 偷偷进入俱乐部。

  • Rong Rong 's photographs convey the drama and mystery of these surreptitious performances .

    荣荣的摄影作品传达了这些 地下 行为活动的戏剧性和神秘性。

  • His surreptitious behaviour naturally aroused suspicion .

    鬼鬼祟祟的行为自然引起了 旁人的怀疑。

  • Authorization to Search for Stolen Goods She carried out a surreptitious search of his belongings .

    搜查被盗物品的授权书她 暗地 搜查他的东西。

  • With eccentric and surreptitious style the novel breaks the traditional way of narration and the existing models of value as well as the logic and order of the rational world .

    这部小说奇异而 诡秘,打破了传统意义上的叙述方式,打破了现存的价值 理念,打破了理性世界的逻辑和秩序。

  • The surreptitious moBilization of troops in preparation for a sneak attack .


  • Even before Black Mirror was shown in the United States Mr. Brooker said he began hearing from Hollywood types who were finding it on shady torrent sites or getting surreptitious DVD copies or whatever .

    布鲁克说,《黑镜》在美国上映之前,就开始有好莱坞的人和他联系,他们是从可疑的种子网站下载,或者私下传播的DVD之类渠道看到这 剧集的。

  • Took a surreptitious glance at his watch ;


  • I do not mind you smoking occasionally & there 's no need to be so surreptitious about it !

    你偶尔吸烟我倒并不介意&何必这样 躲躲闪闪

  • She gave him a surreptitious look as she ③ took ② four more of his sweets .

    她又①把②他的糖③抓走四 偷偷向他 了一

  • She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch .
