


  • However there are reports of swine flu also causing diarrhoea and vomiting .

    然而,有报道说, 流感,也造成腹泻和呕吐。

  • Detection and Characterization of Avian Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies in Human Swine and Chicken Serum Samples

    禽戊型肝炎病毒抗体在人、 和鸡血清中的检测与鉴定

  • I Can Has Swine Flu ?

    我也能得 流感?

  • As in New York many Chinese are unsettled by the arrival of swine flu .

    与纽约的情况一样,许多中国人对 流感的到来感到焦虑。

  • The swine flu is a type of influenza virus usually found in pigs .


  • You rotten swine ! How dare you ?

    你这个 讨厌鬼!你竟敢这样?

  • He 's too proud to accept your advice ; You are only casting pearls before swine .

    例句:他太骄傲了,不会接受你的建议的,你只在 对牛弹琴

  • How is this swine flu spreading ?

    这种 流感是如何传播的?

  • Swine flu is a respiratory sickness caused by an influenza virus that mainly infects pigs .


  • She is the nation 's fourth H1N1 swine flu fatality .

    她就是第四位因H1N1 流感而死亡的美国人。

  • Mexico 's swine flu virus resistant to the previous such as rimantadine .

    墨西哥的 流感病毒的抗药性前,如金刚乙胺。

  • Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally reported .

    人感染 流感病毒的暴发和散发病例时有报导。

  • Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose sore throat nausea vomiting and diarrhea .

    一些感染 流感的病人出现了流鼻涕,咽喉痛,恶心,呕吐以及腹泻的症状。

  • India has confirmed 16 cases of swine flu in humans and there have been no reported fatalities .

    印度已经确认了16例人类感染又被称为 流感的病例,但还没有患者死亡的报告。

  • In conclusion our study suggests that swine HEV infection is highly prevalent among domestic pigs in Thailand .

    总而言之,我们的研究表明, 的戊型肝炎病毒感染在泰国的家猪中高度盛行。

  • Ever wonder why we â re experiencing all those salmonella and swine flu outbreaks ?

    有没有想过我们为什么会有那些沙门氏菌和 流感的爆发?

  • It is not surprising that swine flu is more familiar to the elderly than its official name H1N1 Influenza A.

    长者们对 流感的叫法比对其官方名H1N1甲型流感要更熟悉,这并不奇怪。

  • You do not value what should be valued I see I was casting pearls before swine .

    你不重视应该重视的东西,我觉得我是在 对牛弹琴

  • Hemolytic icterus occurs in the neonate of the horse and swine .

    溶血性黄疸发生于马和 的初生幼畜。

  • This paper summarizes the effect of vitamin A on the swine reproductive performance especially early embryo development .

    综述了维生素A对 母猪繁殖性能,尤其是早期胚胎发育的影响。

  • Can swine influenza infect humans ?

    问题2: 流感能传染人类么?

  • The virus is commonly called swine flu because it contains some genetic material from pigs .

    这个病毒通常被称为 流感因为它含有一些猪的基因物质。

  • Aim To make further observation on the stability and immune effects of the genetic engineering vaccine against swine cysticercosis .

    目的进一步观察 囊虫病基因工程疫苗的安全性和免疫效力。

  • The current spread of a swine influenza virus has added to these concerns .

    当前 流感病毒的传播更增加了这些忧虑。

  • The samples included flu strains that infect humans horses birds and swine .

    样本包括能够在人类、马、禽类与 中传播的流感菌种。

  • Swine flu patients who also contract MRSA would have a one in two chance of surviving .


  • Swine flu is a mix of pig bird and human genes to which people have limited natural immunity .

    新的 流感病毒是以往猪,禽和人流感病毒的混合体,人们对其缺乏天然免疫力。

  • A different kind of swine has been developed . This is the result of carefully controlled breeding .

    培育出了一种不同的 ,这是在严格控制和条件下育种的成果。

  • Swine have been known to be a suitable host for influenza A virus .
