


  • Effect of Carbohydrate and Hydrogen on Nitrogen-fixing Activity of Gunnera / Nostoc Symbiont

    碳水化合物和H2对Gunnera/Nostoc 共生 固氮活力的影响

  • The Shanghai Long-distance Bus Terminal is a symbiont of special area and commerce .

    上海长途汽车客运总站作为特殊地段与商业的 共生 设计中,我们 运用 类型 原理努力完成了 建筑与城市;

  • It is expounded that P.ternata and G.mosseae could recognize each other quickly and form a symbiont system .

    整个实验表明半夏能迅速与丛枝菌根相互识别,形成 共生

  • Fourthly through transplanting and constructing the cooperative game models for both embryonic and mature stage of symbiont of tourism industrial clusters this research analyses the stability of symbiont of tourism industrial clusters .

    第四,本文通过移植和构建旅游产业集群 共生 的萌芽阶段和发展成熟阶段的合作博弈模型,对旅游产业集群共生体的稳定性进行深入分析。

  • The SEM photos showed there were massive rod-shaped intracellular symbionts in epithelial cells the role that the intracellular symbiont play need further study .

    在透射电镜下可观察到上皮细胞内有共生许多杆状细菌,这些胞内 共生菌对幼虫有何作用 需进一步研究。

  • The Arbuscular fungus had formed the symbiont with the ancient land lower plants before the appearance of the higher plant .

    菌根真菌早在高等植物出现以前,就已经同古老的陆 低等植物形成了 共生

  • To study the problems of enterprise symbiont on the basis of ecology is a relatively new field .

    在生态学的基础上来研究企业 共生 问题,属于比较新的领域。

  • Ectomycorrhizas ( ECM ) are symbiont formed between soil fungi and plant roots .

    外生菌根( Ectomycorrhiza,ECM)是由土壤真菌与植物根系形成的 互惠 共生

  • The Symbiont Research of Seabuckthorn as a Pioneer Plant

    先锋植物沙棘 & 共生 实现先锋 作用 根本 因素之一

  • The symbiont of Trichoderma and rice existed exchange of the free amino acids .

    木霉菌与水稻 共生 中存在游离氨基酸的交换。

  • Arbuscular mycorrhiza ( AM ) the symbiont of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ( AMF ) and host plant root has been proved to be able to improve soil structure and enhance the plant resistance to environmental stress .

    丛枝菌根(AM)是丛枝 菌根真菌(AMF)与植物根系 相互 作用 互惠共生 ,能改良土壤结构,增强植物抗性。

  • Effects of Symbiont on the Morphology Growth Resistance to Oxidation and Saccharide Content of Hosts in the Paramecium bursaria-Chlorella System


  • The mycorrhiza is a symbiont with fungus and root .

    菌根为菌根真菌 Mycor)和根 rhiza)的 共生

  • The group speculates that another symbiont abundant in aphids is compensating for the loss .

    研究人员进一步推测出在蚜虫 富含另外一种 共生 来弥补这种损失。

  • These symbiotic algae absorb carbon dioxide phosphate and nitrate produced by invertebrates and transform them into nutrition necessary to symbiont ( symbiotic algae and invertebrate ) .

    共生藻吸收无脊椎动物代谢产生的二氧化碳、磷酸盐、硝酸盐等,并转化为 共生 所需要的营养。

  • To obtain genetic stable strain we evaluated the clearance of symbionts in tsetse impact of vitamin supplement on fly fertility and relationship between symbiont and trypanosome infection .

    为了获得稳定的遗传株,我们还研究了如何清除苍蝇的共生菌,如何添加维生素来维持苍蝇的生育能力以及 共生菌对锥虫感染的影响。

  • Progress in the Studies of Insect Symbiont Wolbachia

    昆虫 共生细菌Wolbachia的研究进展

  • You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle .

    你们和纳布人是 共生 关系

  • Effects of the Symbiont on Host in Paramecium Bursaria-Chlorella System

    绿草履虫&小球藻共生系统中内 共生小球藻对宿主绿草履虫影响的研究

  • Effects of Phosphorus Deficiency on Growth of Perennial Ryegrass-Fungal Endophyte Symbiont and Phenolic Content in Root

    缺磷对黑麦草-内生真菌 共生 生长和根中酚含量的影响

  • Multiplicity of signals and diversity of signaling pathways exist during the establishment of mycorrhizal associations together with the regulation of symbiosis-specific genes expression . This mechanism of signal recognition and transduction related with development process of the symbiont was reviewed at the molecular level .

    在菌根共生 建立过程中存在信号分子的多重性和信号通路的多样性以及共牛体特异基因的表达调控,从分子水平上揭示了 菌根整个发育过程。

  • By detecting the infection rate we can monitor the diffusion of Wolbachia in the population of planthoppers and provide the research basis for Vector - Insect - Symbiont Technology ( VIST ) .

    通过对灰飞虱体内Wolbachia感染率的测定,监测Wolbachia在灰飞虱群体中的扩散趋势从而为媒介昆虫- 共生菌技术(Vector-Insect-SymbiontTech-nology,VIST)这一防治手段提供研究基础。

  • The main types of root symbiont in ecosystem and research advances

    生态系统中根系 共生的主要类型及其研究进展

  • According to the different styles of small and medium-sized enterprises letterpress creates satellite shaped and net shaped symbiont in order to save cost and gives some advices of operation .

    本文针对中小企业的不同类型,本着节约交易成本的目的,分别构建了卫星型和网状型 渠道 共生 ,对其具体的运作提出了意见。

  • Ectomycorrhizal fungi a group of important microorganism in soil which can form symbiont with 70 % ~ 75 % of the forest trees could enhance plant 's ability of absorbing and utilizing of nutrient and of tolerating to Al .

    外生菌根真菌是土壤中一类重要的微生物,能与70% ̄75%的森林树种形成外生 菌根。它可以促进植物对养分的吸收和利用,提高 酸性土壤上植物的抗铝性。

  • Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza ( VAM ) is the symbiont composed of vesicular-arbuscular fungi and fine roots of higher plants .

    VA菌根是泡囊-丛枝内生菌根菌与高等植物根系 形成 共生