


  • We propose a scheme utilizing mean-field approach to exhibits switch effect in a symmetrical Bose-Einstein condensates triple-well potential .

    本文应用平均场近似的方法,研究了弱耦合的三势阱中 色-爱因斯坦凝聚的开关效应。

  • This problem can be avoided by using three components which produce a skew symmetrical path curve .

    使用三块能产生反对 路径曲线的元件,即可避免上述问题。

  • Downward and upward pressures on a currency are not symmetrical .

    一种货币的下降与上升的压力是 不对称的。

  • The proposed DDSCR device which features the symmetrical or asymmetrical snapback I-V characteristics can be implemented for varies applications .

    该器件具有 对称 或非对称性骤回I-V特性,可以用于多种应用场合。

  • The two wings of the building are exactly symmetrical .

    大楼的两翼完全 对称

  • Conventional algorithms are symmetrical and rely on the same key for encryption and decryption .

    常规算法是 对称的,对于加密和解密都依赖于同一钥匙。

  • If a symmetrical matrix is positive definite the determinants of all its minors are also positive .

    如果 对称矩阵是为正定者,它的所有子式的行列式也都是正的。

  • The stator clamps the rotor by a flexure hinge clamping structures in symmetrical directions .

    定子采用柔性铰链 双侧对钳方式交替对动子起到 位作用。

  • Symmetrical calcifications in basal nuclei and lobes are the characteristic CT findings of IHP .

    基底节或/和大脑叶 对称 钙化是特发性甲状旁腺功能减退的特征性CT表现。

  • Finally an approximate formula is presented for predicting symmetrical wrinkling critical loads .

    最后,提出了一个 对称皱屈载荷的计算公式。

  • A circle dividing a sphere or other surface into two usually equal and symmetrical parts .

    把一个球体或其他的表面分成两个大抵相等和 均匀的部分的圆圈。

  • The Shape and Stress Control of Symmetrical Cantilever Construction Bridge


  • It maintains a number of values with symmetrical properties and actions for each value .

    它为每个值维护多个具有 对称属性和操作的值。

  • The fluid cavity should be smooth continuous and symmetrical to minimize fluid torque .

    为了减省液体力矩,液体腔应该是光滑的,连续的和 对称的。

  • The symmetrical bi-cylindrical structure is a closed shell composed by two unclosed arch shell .

    该结构是由两个 对称非闭合大弧度圆弧 截面柱壳对接而成的闭合柱壳结构(简称“双 圆弧柱壳”);

  • Complex ideas proceed from these simple ideas by a uniform and symmetrical combination analogous to arithmetical multiplication .

    复杂的观念来自这些简单的观念,通过模拟算术运算的统一的和 对称的组合。

  • The symmetrical arrangement of the gardens .

    花园中 对称的布局。

  • A few good necessary and sufficient conditions are given by using length relation for symmetrical transformation on Euclidean space .

    利用长度关系给出了欧氏空间的变换为 对称变换的若干个充要条件。

  • The characteristic impedances of vertical symmetrical flat coupled strip lines are also given .

    附带地给出了直立 对称平板耦合带线特性阻抗的计算公式。

  • Design of coaxial symmetrical spherical optical system simulation model

    共轴 对称球面光学系统仿真模型设计

  • The symmetrical design of this church makes it very beautiful .

    这座教堂的 对称 结构使它十分美丽。

  • If you place your objects symmetrically then naturally the results are more symmetrical .

    如果你左右对称地放你的目的,然后结果自然地更 左右 对称

  • A symmetrical body rotating about an axis one point of which is fixed is called a top .

    形状 对称的一物体绕其轴转动,若轴上一点固定不动,则这个物体就叫做陀螺。

  • She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles .

    她喜欢谈论 对称和不对称的三角形。

  • Folds may be gentle and symmetrical or sharp and asymmetrical .

    褶皱可以是平缓而 对称的,也可以是陡峭而非对称的。

  • You start to see how even the repetitive movements of the spools and pegs had a certain symmetrical beauty .

    你开始发觉即使是线轴和钉子的重复运动也蕴含了一种 对称美。

  • Starfish are actinoid & that is they are radially symmetrical .

    海星呈放射性形状-那就是说,他们是呈 对称的放射状。

  • We 've noticed that it 's not a symmetrical shape .

    我们发现它的形状 不对称

  • He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden .

    他为我们介绍了花园中 对称的布局。