symbolic number

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈnʌmbɚ][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈnʌmbə]


  • However political analysts said it was not purely symbolic and speculated that the prime minister who is the son of Lee Kuan Yew might take the opportunity to replace a number of other senior ministers with younger faces .

    不过,政治分析人士表示,此举不只 具有 象征 意义,他们猜测,现任总理(李光耀之子)可能会借此机会,用较年轻的面孔替换其它 一些资深内阁部长。

  • Two methods are presented for obtaining Symbolic transfer functions of swi - tched-capacitor networks where besides z any number of network elements can be represented by variables .

    本文提出两种获得电容开关网络 符号传递函数的方法。其中不仅Z, 其它任何网络元素都可以用变量表示。

  • The relevant symbolic equations is gotten when the number of degrees of freedom and the structure parameters are varied .

    该程序只要改变自由 度数及结构参数就可以得到相应的 符号 方程。

  • Parameter curve and curved surface interpolation are the symbolic function of modern number control system .

    其中,参数曲线、参数曲面插补是现代 数控系统的 标志 功能。

  • The symbolic analysis of the first order partial derivative shows that if there are a large number of competitors the optimal innovation time would be shortened with an increase in technology spillover coefficient regardless the variation in innovation type capital cost and risk of research and development .

    对一阶导数 符号的分析显示,当竞争企业 数量较大时,无论创新类型、资金成本、研发风险参数如何变化,最优创新时间都随技术溢出效应的增强而缩短。

  • The art in Han Dynasty is symbolic art and poetry music stone portraits or funerary objects all use a huge number to express their potential aesthetic emotion .

    汉代艺术是 象征 的艺术,无论诗赋、乐舞、画像石还是明器,都以其 数量的巨大来表达潜在的审美情感。