





  • He suspected that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin


  • Why do you suspect the truth of the information ?

    你为什么 凭空 怀疑这消息的真实性?

  • I suspect he isn 't altogether unhappy about my absence


  • Investigators say nearly $ 100 was wired into the suspect 's bank accounts .

    调查人员说有近10万美元汇入了 嫌疑人的银行账户。

  • The police say they suspect the attack was carried out by animal rights activists .

    警方说他们 怀疑袭击是由动物权益保护的积极分子们发动的。

  • I suspect that she is going to be transferred


  • I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me

    我坚定地 认为绝大部分老百姓会赞同我的观点。

  • It was perfectly all right he said because the police had not suspected him of anything

    他说,什么事都没有,因为警察一点也没有 怀疑到他。

  • When Paul made the crack about the ' famous girl detective ' I began to suspect that he had it in for you .

    当保罗挖苦你是“著名的女侦探”时,我开始 怀疑他是不是故意刁难你。

  • Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city .

    警察已经逮捕了一 涉嫌在该市犯下一系列杀人及强奸案的嫌疑犯。

  • Frears was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack .

    弗里尔斯 疑似心脏病发作,被紧急送往医院。

  • The government supporters are beating up anyone they suspect of favouring the demonstrators .

    政府的支持者痛打任何一个被他们 怀疑支持示威者的人。

  • The suspect was taken unawares without the chance to dispose of the evidence .


  • Greg tipped police off on his car phone about a suspect drunk driver

    格雷格用他的汽车电话向警方报告了一个有酒后驾驶 嫌疑的司机。

  • The above complaints are I suspect just the tip of the iceberg


  • Police said they suspected that Sobhraj had accomplices who are drug smugglers

    警方说他们 怀疑索布拉还有一些走私毒品的同伙。

  • Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found

    发现 可疑包裹后,代表们撤离了这座楼。

  • The act allows police to detain a suspect for up to 48 hours

    该法令允许警方将 嫌疑犯扣押最多48小时。

  • I suspect that the lawyers are going to have a field day before it 's all sorted out .


  • You don 't really think Webb suspects you ?

    你不是真的认为韦布 怀疑你吧?

  • The firm has taken out adverts in national newspapers to urge customers to return suspect products

    该公司在全国性的报纸上登出广告,催促顾客退回 疑似假冒产品。

  • I suspect that he is more or less involved in the affair .


  • The whole affair has been highly suspect .

    整件事情一直都非常 可疑

  • Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating

    一些家长不愿意采取这些措施,因为他们 怀疑自己的孩子在夸大其词。

  • The police will see me as the prime suspect !

    警方会把我当作头号 嫌疑人

  • Doctors suspect he may have a heart condition .

    医生 怀疑他可能有心脏病。

  • The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person .


  • I suspect this book will have the widest appeal of all


  • Do women really share such stupid jokes ? We suspect not .

    女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们 不会。

  • I suspect they were right
