Research on Swallowable Camera - Capsule s of Gastrointestinal Wireless Endoscope
胃肠道无线内窥镜中 可 吞服摄像药丸的研究
This paper present a miniature low power consumption RF communication system which can be used in implantable or swallowable biotelemetry devices .
介绍了一种微型、低功耗 双向 短 距离射频通讯系统,此系统可用于植入式或 口服 式生物遥测装置。
She writes on her site : ' Swallowable Perfume is a digestible scented capsule that emits a unique odor through your own perspiration . '
她自己写道, 香水 胶囊 可以 被 人体消化吸收,并通过排汗来释放出独特的气味。
Swallowable Perfume currently in its development phase is said to work with the natural processes of metabolism releasing fragrant molecules through the skin 's surface during perspiration .
香水 胶囊目前 还处在研发阶段。据说, 这种 胶囊是利用了 人体的自然代谢过程,在排汗的同时,通过皮肤表面来释放芳香分子。