swarm with

[swɔrm wɪð][swɔ:m wið]


  • Particle swarm optimization with dynamic change of inertia weights

    动态调整惯性权重的粒子 优化算法

  • A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm chaotic particle swarm optimization with direction search ( CHPSO-DS ) algorithm is provided to solve the complex problem .

    提出一种用以解决这一复杂优化问题的混合算法&混沌直接搜索粒子 CHPSO-DS)算法。

  • Optimization technique was an important factor to displacement back analysis it influenced the precision and efficiency . A new intelligent displacement back analysis which combined particle swarm optimization with support vector machine was proposed .

    优化技术是影响反分析精度和效率的重要因素,将微粒 优化技术 支持向量机技术结合,提出了一种新的智能位移反分析方法。

  • And it mixs the core of group particle swarm algorithm with improved formula algorithm .

    并将核心主子群粒子 优化算法 公式改进的 粒子 算法相融合。

  • Fish landing jetties now swarm with activity .

    现在,水产登陆码头 充满了活力。

  • Particle Swarm Optimizer with Shuffled Subpopulations Mutation and Its Application

    基于 子群混合 变异的微粒 算法及其应用

  • We discussed how the swarm intelligence verifies the law of cognitive science and how to explore the ways of swarm intelligence with the related researches of cognitive science .

    本文论述群智能计算中的信息认知机制,以及如何 利用认知科学的相关研究来探索 智能计算方法。

  • Faster particle swarm optimization with random inertia weight

    基于随机惯量权重的快速粒子 优化算法

  • Analysis of the Stability of Networked Swarm Agents with Time Delays

    时滞的网络化 群体系统编队稳定性分析

  • We improved this algorithm by combining the cooperative quantum-behaved particle swarm strategy with the maximizing class distance variance method .

    该方法将改进协同量子粒子 算法 传统的最大化类间方差方法相结合应用于医学图像多阈值分割。

  • These shores will still swarm with the dead of my people .

    这一带海岸仍将到处 我们祖先的 英灵出没。

  • A Species-based Particle Swarm Optimizer with Multi-parent Crossover Operator

    一种基于子种群带多亲体杂交的微粒 算法

  • This paper has analysed the characteristics of an earthquake swarm with 1800 microearthquakes which occurred in Haifeng area Guangdong from February to May 1981 . The swarm was composed of three subgroups consisting of a typical sequence of foreshocks-main shock-aftershocks each .

    本文分析了1981年2~5月在广东海丰地区发生的为数达1800个小震的震 特征。震群由三个子群组成,均出现典型的前、主、余序列。

  • Particle Swarm Optimization with some simple improvement is designed to solve these models .

    设计了求解此问题的粒子 优化算法, 对算法做出简单改进。

  • Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization with Mutation

    一种 采用变异算子的自适应微粒 算法

  • Method of Clustering Analyses Based on Particle Swarm Optimization with Variable Population Size

    基于可变规模粒子 的聚类分析方法

  • Binary particle swarm algorithm with wide application in solving discrete combinatorial optimization problems has increasingly evident advantages .

    随着二进制粒子 算法的广泛应用,其在解决离散组合优化问题方面的优越性日益显现。

  • We investigate the emergence of the adaptive velocity swarm with the comparisons of the classic constant model .

    我们研究了该模型的 涌现 行为,比较了自适应速度模型 经典的常速率模型的差别。

  • Particle swarm optimization with adaptive mutation based on entropy

    基于熵的自适应变异的粒子 优化算法

  • The effectiveness of the approach is shown that comparing particle swarm optimization with the genetic algorithm by numerical simulation .

    通过数值仿真,并 遗传算法进行了比较,结果表明该方法对 驱动 航天器 姿态运动规划是有效的。

  • Design and Study of Particle Swarm Optimization with Simulated Annealing

    模拟退火并行粒子 优化算法程序设计与研究

  • Particle Swarm Optimization with Contracted Ranges of Both Search Space and Velocity

    压缩搜索空间与速度范围粒子 优化算法

  • Particle Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Dimension Crossover for High Dimensional Problems

    基于动态维度交叉的粒子 高维函数优化

  • He is hiving a swarm with care .

    他正 小心地把 一群蜂移入蜂房。

  • Improved Particle Swarm Optimization with dynamically changing inertia weight

    改进 收敛条件的动态调整惯性权重 PSO 算法

  • Target Search Using Swarm Robots with Kinematic Constraints Behavior-feature-based Dynamic Variant Step-size Odor Search Algorithm for Mobile Robot

    运动学特性约束的 机器人目标搜索基于行为特征的机器人变步长气味源搜索算法

  • Then clustering analysis is processed by a clustering method based on swarm intelligence with different swarm similarity coefficients .

    然后依据基于 群体智能的聚类方法,选用由小到大的群体相似系数进行聚类分析;

  • The formation stability of swarm agents with time delays in communication was analyzed based on graph theory and control theory .

    针对 通信 时滞的网络化 群体系统编队稳定性问题,采用图论和控制理论知识得出其稳定性条件。

  • Particle Swarm Optimization with Inverse Swarms Cooperation and Application in Function Optimization

    逆群协作粒 方法及在函数优化中的应用

  • Niche quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization with chaotic mutation operator

    基于混沌变异算子的小生境量子粒子 算法