




  • In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes .

    沼泽 ,我们受到蚊子的围攻。

  • Robin landed on the chocolate swamp . that 's five chips for me .

    萝冰已经在巧克力 沼泽着陆了,我赢了五个筹码。

  • There must have been a time when the country was all forest and swamp .

    肯定有一段时间这一地区布满了森林和 沼泽

  • Temperatures in this swamp environment apparently can be cool but not frigid .


  • That ditch drains water from the swamp .

    那条沟排出 沼泽中的水。

  • We might have to cross a swamp or quicksand .

    我们可能不得不穿过一片 沼泽 或流沙区。

  • We work in the swamp .

    我们在 沼泽中工作。

  • Small shallow ponds have been stocked with red swamp crawfish and are managed for commercial production .

    又小又浅的池塘里挤满了克氏 螯虾,并被用于商业化的养殖。

  • A rogue wave swamped the boat

    凶猛的海浪 淹没 船只。

  • The fort flanked on a swamp .

    堡垒侧面靠着 沼泽

  • They followed their leader into the swamp .

    他们跟随着他们的首领进入了 沼泽

  • Poorly drained soils on top of peat and under marsh or swamp vegetation .

    泥炭土之上湿软或被 淹没的植被之下、排水性差的土壤。

  • They are headed dead into the fire swamp .

    他们是朝火 沼泽走去了。

  • American song sparrow and swamp sparrow .

    美洲的歌雀和 沼泽雀。

  • He struggled through the swamp tormented by mosquitoes and leeches .

    他在蚊子和水蛭的骚扰下挣扎着走过了 沼泽

  • We were in the great swamp the Cienaga Grande another of the myths of my childhood .

    我们驶抵了大 沼泽,CienagaGrande,我童年时的又一个神话。

  • See you 've been experimenting on swamp creatures .

    你看,你在对 沼泽生物做试验。

  • The swamp swarms with mosquitoes and other insects .

    沼泽 到处都有蚊子和小昆虫。

  • Swamp plant of Europe and North America having bright yellow flowers resembling buttercups .

    北美和欧洲的一种 沼泽植物,具有明亮的、类似于毛茛属植物的黄色花朵。

  • He buiIt a European city over a swamp .

    他在一 沼泽上建立了一个欧洲王国。

  • They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land .

    他们排 沼泽 的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。

  • Species : Australian leafless shrubs : swamp oak .

    一个种类;澳大利亚的无叶的灌木; 沼泽的橡树。

  • Suddenly the farmer changed into a frog and jumped into the swamp .

    农夫立即变成了一只青蛙,跳进了 池塘

  • Geological processes of lake and swamp

    湖泊和 沼泽的地质作用

  • The Ventura river burst its banks swamping a mobile home park .

    本图拉河的河水冲破堤岸, 淹没了活动房区。

  • Swamp meadow had the highest community productivity followed by alpine meadow alpine steppe and temperate steppe .

    生产力从高到低的顺序为 沼泽草甸>高寒草甸>高寒草原>温性草原。

  • The railway station was swamped with thousands of families trying to flee the city .

    火车站 挤满 成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。

  • Elephants were often to be found in swamp in eastern Kenya around the Tana River .

    在肯尼亚东部的塔纳河一带经常发现陷入 沼泽的大象。

  • The soldiers became bogged in the swamp .

    士兵们陷在 沼泽中。