


v.(使)出汗( sweat的过去式和过去分词 )(使)流汗(使)发汗焖

  • Martin and Joe down to undershirts bare armed sweated and panted for air .

    马丁和乔两人脱得只剩下了内衣,光着膀子仍然 大汗 淋漓,喘不过气来。

  • The doctor sweated his patient .

    医生 使他的病人 出汗

  • He sweated in long lines and stressed about what he would need to buy on his first shopping trip .

    在长长的队伍中 汗流浃背,并因为第一次去商场需要购买哪些东西 了难。

  • This Swiss wore a sweater and now he sweated all over .

    这个瑞士人穿着一件毛衣。因此 浑身是

  • He sweated heavily during the marathon race .

    在马拉松比赛中他 大量

  • I 'd sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly .

    战战兢兢 治疗 由我负责的腹部刺伤。

  • Normally I sweated my guts out on a milling ? machine with the rest .

    通常,我 是和其他人一道 操作 碾碎机。

  • The actors sweated profusely under the spotlights .

    在聚光灯下,演员 许多

  • I had sweated over them for five years . I didn 't need to sweat any more .

    为这些我已 困扰了五年,以后将再不会因此紧张。

  • We sweated out getting a ship to take us home by Christmas ?

    我们 终于得到一条船带着我们回家过圣诞节?

  • Till she sweated his soul clean yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit .

    直捂 大汗 淋漓,洗净灵魂。我爱雨水,它洗净我的灵魂;

  • The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer .

    导演和电影摄影师好不容易才对 了拍摄角度。

  • Unfortunately they sweated over the wrong one .

    不幸的是,他们 错了担忧 对象

  • I sweated blood on that job yet he didn 't even thank me !

    累死累活 干,然而他甚至连谢也不谢我!

  • He sweated his horse by riding him too hard . Do you want to Synchronize before you exit Communicator ?

    拼命 策马 前行,马都 出汗了。在退出通信器之前需要进行同步吗?

  • The police sweated the information out of the suspect .

    警察 逼迫嫌疑犯提供了情况。

  • He sweated out his composition in several hours .

    苦干 几个小时 写出了作文。

  • The secret police sweated the suspected spy for hours .

    秘密警察 逼问 那可疑的间谍好几个钟头。

  • He sweated his horse by tiding him too hard .

    他骑马让马累出 大汗

  • No need to show them your sweated up look right away .

    没必要此刻就把你 汗津津的样子展示给 对方

  • I 'd trained sweated and disciplined myself for six years with the Games in mind .

    六年来,我心里想着这次奥运会, 一直在坚持刻苦训练, 从严要求自己。

  • In fact you 'll gain that'weight'right back after you replenish the fluids you sweated out .

    实际上,你会重新补充这些 体重

  • When I sweated it felt as if acid was poured all over me .

    当我 出汗时,感觉就像被酸浇了全身一样。

  • The mill owners used sweated labour to earn them fortunes .

    工厂主们使用 血汗劳动为自己挣得大量财产。

  • He sweated a cold sweat at the terrible noise .

    听到那个可怕的声音,他 了一身冷汗。

  • The more you sweated the prettier you were .


  • I was told by eyewitnesses that I became pale and sweated excessively during the attack .

    据目击者说我发病的时候面色苍白, 大量 出汗

  • The man next to me on the plane weighed three hundred pounds and he sweated all over me .

    飞机上坐我隔壁的男的重三百磅,一 流汗跑到 了。

  • We sweated blood to get the work finished on time .

    为了准时完成工作我们 累死累活