Suturing is the key to the success of corneal transplant surgery .
角膜 缝合 操作是角膜移植成功的关键。
To provide additional strain relief by making a small loop with a line and gently suturing the loop down .
为了避免额外的张力释放,用线绕成一个小的环,并轻轻将环 缝起。
Clinical significance of suturing the artery conventionally in PPH to prevent post-operative hemorrhage
PPH术中采用常规 缝 扎动脉 搏动 部位防止术后早期出血的临床意义
Objective : To compare the effect of two different ways of suturing for puerpera accepting lateral episiotomy .
比较会阴侧切两种 缝合方法的效果。
Model establishment and finite element planning for suturing manipulation in corneal surgery
角膜 缝合操作建模及有限元仿真规划
The suture with suturing superficial subcutaneous fat and putting two rubber drainages in the incision in observed group was applied to162 cases .
观察组腹部手术切口皮肤及皮下脂肪浅层用间断贯穿缝合并放置引流条引流的 缝合 方法;
As I began suturing this perforation .
当我开始 给穿孔 缝线 的 时候。
Immediate treatment by surgically untwisting and suturing the cord in place to prevent future torsion will prevent infarction .
尽快的外科手术,解开并在适当的地方 缝合精索可防止以后再发生扭转,从而防止梗死。
Two-layer Suturing versus Four-layer Suturing in Abdominal Median Incision : A Randomized Controlled Trial
腹部正中切口两层 缝 合法与传统四层缝合法的临床随机对照研究
The Clinical Observation on Mixed Hemorrhoid of Horizontal Form Suturing Internal Hemorrhoid and Resection External Hemorrhoid and Retain Tooth Line
内痔横形 缝 扎外痔切除保留齿线术治疗混合痔的疗效观察
Application of one-layer manual suturing and double stapling technique in sphincter-reserving operation for low rectal cancer
低位直肠癌应用双吻合器保肛手术体会结直肠徒手一层 缝合 吻合与双吻合器技术在低位直肠癌保肛手术中的比较
Analysis of therapeutic effects of suturing meniscal tears of 63 cases under the arthroscopes of knee
关节镜下 缝合治疗63例半月板撕裂疗效分析
Why is he suturing his own face ?
为什么他在自己 缝合?
Conclusion : Postoperative debridement and suturing of health education in patients with good results ;
结论:术后对清创 缝合 术患者进行健康教育效果较好;
Use instrument ties and other no-touch suturing and sharp instrument techniques when possible .
当可能时,尽量应用器械打结, 缝合和使用锐利器械时应尽量采用非接触操作。
Suturing the bulbar conjunctiva and fascial ( sub-Tenon ) flap in for filter degree of the bleb in in trabeculectomy to treat glaucoma
球结膜、筋膜瓣错层 缝合对青光眼小梁切除术后滤泡弥散程度的影响
Effect of blocking the lesser saphenous vein by percutaneous suturing on the distally based sural neurocutaneous flap
经皮 缝 扎阻断小隐静脉回流降低远端蒂腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣静脉瘀血的 临床研究
Mechanical vascular anastomosis is a technique that uses special vascular anastomotic devices to entirely or partly substitute vascular anastomotic suturing .
机械性血管吻合技术是以特制的血管吻合装置替代或部分替代 缝线的一种血管 吻合 方法。
The underlying concept of the conventional suturing method for this particular subset of VSD has evolved on the basis of the currently accepted view of the conduction system .
这种VSD特殊类型所用的常规 缝合方法,是在当前人们对心内传导系统的普遍认识基础上发展而来的。
Traditionally package and pressurized fixation were performed after skin transplantation ; however it induced residual dead space and unclear skin graft fixation as well as suturing scar .
传统的手术方法是植皮后打包加压固定,但往往会出现残留死腔和皮片固定不确实的情况,且打包固定的 缝线处 易 出现 缝线瘢痕。
Via aseptic package and cobalt-60 or epoxyethane gas sterilization processing the disposable skin suturing device can be directly used in operation without needing sterilization .
经无菌包装,钴60或环氧 乙烷气体灭菌处理,手术时可直接使用,无需消毒。
Improvement of vaginal relaxation by vaginal narrowing technique with double suturing
双重 缝 合法阴道缩窄术矫正阴道松弛
The study can be used for suturing manipulation in cornea suture surgical .
实验结果可用于 指导角膜缝合 机器人 完成 缝合操作 任务。
Analysis of treatment of 16 cases of intractable postpartum hemorrhage by interrupted suturing and clamping on cervix
宫颈间断 缝合 加钳夹治疗顽固性产后出血16例分析
Pregnancy After Cesarean Section Vaginal Birth Clinical Trial to Explore Cervical suturing technique for management of intractable postpartum haemorrhage originating from cervical canal
剖宫产术后再次妊娠阴道试产的临床探讨经阴道宫颈 缝合治疗经阴道分娩的难治性产后出血
Objective It is to discuss the influence of two kinds of suturing method on wound healing .
目的探讨2种 缝合方法对切口愈合的影响。
Clinical observation of suturing descemet 's membrance detachment during phacoemulsification surgery
超声乳化手术致角膜后弹力层脱离手术 缝合的临床观察
The spores are monolete bilaterally symmetric elliptic in polar view and semiorbicular or reniform in equatorial view . Method FG was distributed on the bone surfaces and the lateral palate incisions after suturing the palate flaps .
介蕨属孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形或肾形。方法将已配制的生物蛋白胶 涂在腭裂双侧松弛切口及裸露创面,达到完全封闭状态。
If she moves while the doctor is suturing .
如果在医生 缝合 的 时候她动了。
A clinical evaluation of vessel suturing apparatus after coronary arteriography
冠状动脉造影术后血管 缝合器应用的临床评价