The committee would consider this type of request sympathetically .
委员会会认真考虑这类 请求。
Gabriel turned sympathetically away wondering when he dared look at her again .
盖伯瑞尔 同情 地转身走开,不知道什么时候自己敢再看她。
The Council said that it would treat her case sympathetically .
委员会表示他们会 宽大处理她的事情。
I looked on sympathetically at the old lady begging at roadside wondering if her children knew that their mother was leading such a miserable life .
我 同情 地 盯 着那位在路边乞讨的老太太看了 许久,心想她的孩子是不是知道自己的母亲在过 着这样一种悲惨的生活呢?
She put a hand sympathetically on his arm .
她把一只手放在他的手臂上, 以示 同情。
I clucked sympathetically and reached for my iced coffee when Michelle beat me to it .
我 同情地答应着,正要伸出手那冰咖啡,这时候,Michelle抢先一步。
As emjployers we need to be seen to be addressing these issues sympathetically .
作为雇主我们需要被看作是用 同情心来处理这些问题。
She later told him she never wanted it to happen again then listened sympathetically as he explained that he had been squeezed too tightly between two other kids ' car seats .
之后她对儿子说,她希望以后绝对不要再发生这种情况,然后她 满怀 同情 地听儿子解释说他被其他两个孩子的汽车座椅挤得太紧。
I see the president said sympathetically .
“我明白了,”总统 同情 地说。
He listens and sometimes he inclines his head sympathetically .
他边听边时不时 地点 点头 表示 同情。
Ask her what happened and listen sympathetically and attentively .
问受害者所发生的事,并 同情 地及注意地听。
Professor Waring : ( sympathetically ) Tell me all about it Bessie .
韦林教授:( 同情 地)都告诉我吧,贝西。
I sympathetically looked at the girl who claimed to take revenge for all the eliminated girls only wishing the upcoming food should be a little easy .
我 同情的看着这个宣称要为所有被淘汰的女同胞复仇的小姑娘,希望这 道大餐能稍微顺口一点。
She listened sympathetically nodding her head now and again .
她 同情 地倾听着,不时点点头。
You are at the height when you look back leniently look forward hopefully look down sympathetically and look up thankfully .
当你以宽恕之心向后看, 以希望之心向前看, 以 同情之 心向下看, 以感激之心向上看时,你就 站在了最高处。
In acutely sympathetically denervated areas the skin or extremity is warm because of loss of sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone .
急性失 交感神经支配的皮肤或者肢端由于失去了交感性缩血管神经紧张作用,皮肤是温暖的。
They don 't just listen sympathetically they wade in with remarks like ' If I were you * '
他们不是只 同情 地倾听,而是还 时不时 地插话 进来:“如果我是你*”
Near her a gray-haired woman with her hands full of pink and white roses watched her sympathetically .
在她身旁站着一位灰发女人,手里拿着粉色和白色的玫瑰花, 同情 地看着她。
The stimulus acted sympathetically .
刺激物通过 交感 神经起作用。
His campaign was reported sympathetically in the local papers .
当地的报纸以 赞同 的 口吻报道了他的竞选活动。
Seeing that her eyes are moist he takes her hand sympathetically and goes with her to the door .
他看到她的眼睛湿润了,很 同情她,拉着她的手 一同走到门口。
' I thought my mistress was going to marry you said Gabriel sympathetically .
我本以为我的女主人会嫁给你的,盖伯瑞尔 同情 地说。
We listened to such explanations sympathetically .
我们在倾听他们的解释 时, 表示 理解。
' He was a lot of trouble to you madam 'Mr Wopsle said sympathetically to my sister .
“他给你添了不少麻烦,夫人,”伍甫赛先生对我姐姐 同情 地说。
We hold our tired gazes on each other for a moment . Then I give her a grim shake of my head and say aloud This blows ass. She nods sympathetically .
我们疲倦的眼神望着彼此一会儿,然后我对她郑重摇摇头,大声说:倒胃口!她 同情地点点头。
She was still crying when she suddenly noticed Gabriel Oak who had come up the path on his way to the church and was watching her sympathetically .
她正哭着,突然注意到盖伯瑞尔·奥克已在向教堂走来,正 同情 地注视着她。
She clicks her tongue sympathetically .
她发出啧啧声 表示 同情。
They would invite him back and listen sympathetically to his woes .
他们将邀请他回来并 同情 地倾听他的不幸遭遇。