surplus field

[ˈsɚpləs fild][ˈsə:pləs fi:ld]

[医] 剩余视野

  • Application Study on Surplus Heat Reclamation Technique by Heat Pump in Oil Field

    热泵 余热回收技术在 油田应用的研究

  • The relative production surplus in China is the behavior of the new economic contradictions produced in economic system reform involving the contradiction between the production field and distributing the contradiction of the field whose mechanism formed is determined directly by the present economic system .

    中国生产相对 过剩问题是中国在经济体制改革过程中所产生新经济矛盾的外在表现,既涉及生产 领域的矛盾,也涉及分配领域的矛盾,其形成机制由当前经济体制层面的矛盾直接决定。

  • In 1998 and 1999 the nitrogen surplus of vegetable field were 126.59 % and 154.29 % while wheat / maize field balanced the other land use had a little surplus .

    就N平衡而言,蔬菜在1998年和1999年分别 盈余126.59%和 154.29%,小麦/玉米田基本平衡,其它土地利用方式略有盈余。

  • Since 1990s in case of Sino-American trade surplus in goods China has been in trade deficits status in the field of service trade . ciliaris and R. But the performance improvement is at the expense of computational complexity increment .

    20世纪90年代以来,中美双边贸易中,中国一直处于顺差 地位,但很多人忽视了这样一个现实:中国对美国的服务贸易却一直处于逆差地位,表面的 顺差其实来源于货物贸易。

  • The balance analysis shows that with a compound application of N and P there is a lack of nitrogen in soil and a surplus of phosphorous in valley field and that with a combination of organic and inorganic use a surplus of nitrogen is obvious .

    平衡结果表明:N,P配施土壤N素亏损,川 P素 盈余,有机无机配合,N素均有盈余。

  • This paper targets at rural surplus labor transfer in counties and cities thus enriches the micro-aspect research on the transfer of rural surplus labor in present academic field .

    本文正是以县市农村剩余劳动力转移作为研究对象,从而丰富目前学术 剩余劳动力转移的微观范围内的研究。

  • Among the theories regarding economic surplus crisis Keynesian Economics which has subjective idealism as its economic philosophy basis and has a distinctly closed analysis field of vision focuses on the market and stresses the research of anti-crisis policies and measures .

    在经济 过剩危机理论上,凯恩斯主义分析的经济学基础是主观唯心主义,其分析 视野具有明显的封闭性,其分析的聚焦点是市场,其理论重视反危机政策和措施研究;

  • This paper demonstrates the effects of the spacing between jets and the initial surplus temperature on the temperature field characteristics .

    本文阐述了喷口间距、初始 剩余温度等因素对平行矩形射流温度 结构特性的影响。

  • It is proved that the region of existing surplus electric charges must be lion & even electric field and the region of no existing surplus .

    还证明了:若电力线相互 平行的电场区域内有不为零的净电荷 分布,则该区域必为非 电场区域;

  • Based on the analysis of computing examples of the water and oil wells the saturation degree of surplus oil and remaining possible reserves in all oil layers of main block of the F oil field can be calculated .

    根据油水井的计算实例分析,可确定出法哈牛 油田主力断块各油层所有层段的 剩余油饱和度、剩余地质储量。

  • From its essence the fictitious capital is a kind of right certificate which can acquire a part of the surplus value with capital ownership in the distribution field is embodied in a debtor-creditor relationship is a kind of capitalization credit form .

    4从其本质上说,虚拟资本是一种凭借资本所有权在分配 领域获取一部分 剩余价值的权利证书,体现的是一种债权债务关系,是一种资本化的信用形式。

  • With the increasing of the calcine temperature the surplus polarization increased and the coercive field decreased .

    随着煅烧温度的升高, 剩余极化强度逐渐升高,矫顽 场强逐渐下降。

  • According to the reserves surplus condition in Fuli coal field some measures on reasonable valid use coal resources are suggested .

    文中根据富力 井田储量 剩余情况,提出了合理有效地利用煤炭资源的几点具体措施。

  • Precipitator dust in the capacity surplus the introduction of closed-loop turbidity adjusting the distribution of power between the electric field to energy-saving purposes .

    在除尘器除尘能力 盈余的情况下,引入浊度闭环,调整各 电场之间的功率分配,达到节能的目的。

  • It is necessary to differentiate social surplus and surplus value since the circulation field can not be neglected in the production of social surplus ;

    流通 领域在社会剩余生产中不容忽视,应当区分社会剩余与 剩余价值这对概念;