surplus funds

[经] 剩余基金,经费剩余

  • If there are some surplus securities after the close of the trading for financed funds and securities the investors shall transfer the surplus securities to its common securities account from the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients in the securities company .

    了结融资 融券交易后有 剩余证券的,在信用证券 账户注销前,投资者应当申请将剩余证券从证券公司的客户信用交易担保证券账户划转到该投资者的普通证券账户。

  • Bidding for the deposits of banks with surplus funds was particularly problematic .

    争夺有 富余 资金的银行的存款,是一种尤其成问题的行为。

  • So it is necessary to balance the surplus of consumers and the cost of public funds in determination of the level of guarantees .

    因此,政府担保水平的确定,需要权衡消费者 剩余和财政 资金成本。

  • With the establishment and perfection of the social security system the amount of income outlays and surplus of various social security funds is increasing rapidly and covering greater proportion of the gross national product .

    随着社会保障制度的建立和完善,各项社会保障 基金的收支、 结余规模迅速增加,占国内生产总值比重越来越大。

  • Choice of Strategy for Economic Development under Conditions with Surplus Funds

    资金 过剩条件下的经济发展战略选择

  • The trade surplus pours a steady stream of foreign-currency export earnings into China funds which the central bank buys up in exchange for local currency and holds in its official reserves .

    贸易 顺差注入源源不断的外汇进入中国的出口收入, 资金中央银行购买行动,以换取当地货币,并拥有在其官方储备。

  • Urban banks particularly those with Wall Street connections competed with each other for the surplus funds of country banks .

    城市银行尤其是和华尔街有关联的城市银行竞相追逐乡村银行的 富余 资金

  • The trade surplus is slightly down in 2008 compared with last year as is the use of foreign-sourced funds for investment even as the rate of Chinese reserve accumulation has doubled .

    2008年,虽然中国外汇储备增量较去年增加了一倍,但贸易 顺差却略有下降,来源于外国的投资 资金也有所减少。

  • The June increase is less than the combined trade surplus and foreign direct investment figures which could indicate that China actually saw an outflow of speculative funds at a time when currency appreciation was slower than earlier in the year .

    6月份外汇储备增长额不及贸易 顺差与外国直接投资(fdi)两项数据之和,这可能表明,在人民币升值速度较年初有所放缓的形势下,投机 资本实际上正在流出中国。

  • Through exploring the method of integrating agricultural science and education this article aims to establish the model for introducing Taiwan surplus agricultural funds talents and educational resources and to investigate the development of trial zones for agricultural cooperation between two sides of the Taiwan Straits .

    通过对农科教结合模式探索,构建对台湾地区 剩余的农业 资金、人才、教育等资源的引入模式,以探索海峡两岸农业合作试验区的发展。

  • The deposit-investment transforming mechanism under the conditions of surplus funds

    资金 剩余条件下个人储蓄&投资转化机制的建立

  • At present sovereign-wealth funds mostly come from finance surplus of the nation foreign exchange reserves and natural-resource income . The funds are invested into domestic and overseas markets by these nations for macro-economy purpose to keep financial stability capital appreciation or long run development .

    目前,主权财富基金大多来源于国家的财政 盈余、外汇储备和自然资源收入,这些国家为了财政稳定、资产增值或长期发展等宏观经济目的将这部分 资金投资于国内外市场。

  • The PBoC has generally argued that currency appreciation is essential to stemming the growth of the trade surplus and the unchecked flow of speculative funds into China .

    中国央行的主要立场一直是,要想抑制贸易 顺差增长、阻止投机 资金无制约的流入,货币升值是不可或缺的手段。

  • In principle a stronger renminbi should mean lower exports higher imports a smaller current account surplus and so less need to recycle excess funds into foreign primarily us government bonds to avoid inflation .

    原则上,人民币升值应该意味着出口下降、进口增加、经常账户 盈余减少,从而减轻将多余 资金投入外国(主要是美国)国债以避免通胀的需要。

  • However on top of the trade surplus and investment another $ 25bn of funds have flowed into China every month so far this year .

    然而,除了贸易 顺差和投资外,今年以来每个月还有250亿美元的 资金流入中国。

  • For the defects of the new accounting system we have to improve the surplus distribution system reduce the elasticity of the accounting system strengthen management of support funds and develop mutual funds increase necessary accounting subjects .

    针对农民 专业 合作社新会计制度存在的不足提出应建立完善的 盈余分配制度;减少会计核算体系的弹性,加强扶持 基金的管理,开展资金互助;增加必要的会计科目。

  • Where public capital markets are small or non-existent it makes sense for business owners to finance themselves internally and to invest surplus funds in other businesses they can control directly .

    如果一个国家公开资本市场规模较小或根本不存在,企业所有者就有必要从内部筹措资金,并将 剩余 资金投入到他们可以直接控制的其它业务中。

  • Commercial banks are the important part of the financial system of a country or region and its operational status will directly affect the configuration of the social surplus funds thereby affecting the overall economic growth and development .

    商业银行是一个国家或者地区金融体系的重要组成部分,其运营状况直接影响着社会 剩余 资金的配置,进而影响到整个经济的增长和发展。

  • Social security policies of American pre-president Clinton are that the most financial budget surplus add to social security funds and develop community welfare .

    美国克林顿政府的社会保障政策是财政预算 余额的大部分用来补充社会保障 资金,大力发展社区福利;

  • A successful platform which provides a meeting place for people from other jurisdictions with surplus money and those in need of funds involves large volumes of financial transactions .

    一个成功的金融平台能同时吸引其他地区拥有 剩馀资金的人与需要 筹集 资金的人,因而会产生大量金融交易。

  • There is barely surplus funds after providing for related staff hence the need of sports development is not satisfied . 3 . The equipment of physical training in the small towns and cities in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Development Area is in short .

    有限的体育 经费除了用来发放相关工作人员的工资外已经 所剩无几,难以满足体育发展的需要。3.广西北部湾经济开发区小城镇体育场地设施贫乏。

  • Any surplus funds after the sale must be paid to the pledgor .

    变卖(受偿后)的 剩余 资金必须返还出质人。