symbol type

[ˈsɪmbəl taɪp][ˈsimbəl taip]

[计] 符号类型

  • For each symbol that the nm command lists the symbol 's value in hexadecimal ( by default ) and the symbol type with a coded character precede the symbol .

    对于nm命令列出的每个符号,它们的值使用十六进制来表示(缺省行为),并且在该符号前面加上了一个 表示 符号 类型的编码字符。

  • Reverse engineering is the symbol of a new type of productivity and plays an important role in the increase of product developing ability and market competitive ability .

    反求工程是一种 新型生产力的 象征,对提高企业产品开发能力和市场竞争力具有十分重要的意义。

  • The UPC symbol is then used to populate most of the other fields in the form including material number packaging type brand code and project number .

    这个UPC 符号用于填充表单中的大部分字段,包括materialnumber、packaging type、brandcode和projectnumber。

  • In the modern information environment multimedia has become a symbol of the new media of the people for information exchange multimedia expression has become a new type of expression .

    在现代化的信息环境下,多媒体成为人们信息交流的新媒体 符号,多媒体表达方式成为一种新的表达 方式

  • The characteristics of the geology and mineral symbol base by the True Type model

    True Type格式地质矿产 符号库特点介绍

  • Determine the map symbol type of map element with expert system technology

    用专家系统技术确定地图要素的地图 符号 类型

  • In this case the linker fails reporting only the symbol name and the name of the second obj file where the type was defined .

    在此情况下,链接器将失败,仅报告 符号名称和第二个obj文件(其中定义了该 类型)的名称。

  • Pseudo environment is a symbol information type environment that structures on the objective change in the realistic environment .

    拟态环境是通过大众传播媒介有选择性地提示现实环境中的客观变动而结构出的一个 符号 的信息 环境。

  • Several languages use words that associate the shape of the symbol with some type of animal .

    有几种语言用单词将这一 符号的形状与 某种动物联系起来。

  • This information is contained in a symbol of STAB type N_SO .

    这一信息包含在STAB 类型NSO的 符号中。

  • Uranus is the symbol of whatever challenges the absolute validity and upsets the patterns of a Saturnian type of organization .

    天王星是向绝对权威挑战和令土星 性格和集体组成的既有格局感到不安的 象征

  • Pulse-phase modulation qualifying symbol . Modulation type can be specified .

    脉冲-相位调制限定 符号。可指定调制 类型

  • The handler then decompresses the symbol according to the compression type and replaces the compressed symbol with the decompressed symbol .

    然后,该处理程序根据压缩 类型对符号进行解压缩,并用解压缩的 符号替换请求中的已压缩符号。

  • Symbol for a flush mounted or recessed electrical service panel . Type of panel can be specified .

    式或隐藏式电气服务面板。可指定面板的 类型

  • This use of the method symbol name is referred to as the method signature and for the purposes of overloading the return type is ignored .

    这种方法 符号名称被称作方法签名,为了便于重载,返回 类型被省略。

  • At the same time but also has induced the main prospecting symbol for seeks this type gold deposit in this area to provide the help .

    同时,还初步建立了成矿 模式,并进行了 成矿预测,为在该区开展地质工作提供帮助。

  • EU country designation symbol . Select the shape on the page and type to change the country abbreviation .

    欧盟国家 标志。在页面上选择该形状然后 键入,可更改国名缩写。

  • The symbol representation provides information about the basic mechanism : type relationship of connection dimensional position and character of a mechanism performing multiple function which lays a theoretical foundation for developing the computer-aided conceptual design system of complex mechanism based on basic mechanism combination .

    该方法 能够描述机构的 类型、连接关系、空间位置关系以及机构的多功能等信息,为开发基于基本机构组合的复杂机械系统的计算机辅助概念设计系统奠定了理论基础。

  • Symbol for a power outlet . Outlet type can be specified .

    电源插座 符号。可指定插座 类型